Can Bearded Dragons Eat Purple Cabbage, or should you avoid feeding these colored leafy greens to them? Let’s find out!
Would it be a good idea to feed purple cabbage to your bearded dragons? Well, these veggies are packed with nutrition, but moderation is the key. Let’s have a look in detail.
Nutritional Profile of Purple Cabbage
Purple cabbage is a rich source of vitamins A and C, that support the immune system of pet dragons. As these leafy greens are also packed with calcium, it promotes right bone development of these animals, too.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Purple Cabbage?
The short and quick answer is yes, they can! However, you need to keep a certain point in mind before you go ahead.
The only thing you need to be careful of is the oxalates in it. Too much intake of it can develop issues like metabolic disease in your pet, which can lead to improper bone development.
How to Feed Purple Cabbage to Bearded Dragons?
The first thing you need to do is to pick up a fresh purple cabbage, and then chop the veggie in small pieces. This will help your pet to nibble it nicely, without the hazard of choking.
Do remember that moderation is the key here. Feeding it 1-2 times a week, in small portions, is a great call. Do not make it a part of your pet’s diet on a daily basis.
Bearded dragons love insects, so ensure they are having them on a regular basis!
Note: This article gives you a rough idea on how and when to feed purple cabbage to our pet. However, every bearded dragon has different health and eating requirements, so it would be a good idea to consult a vet before you introduce any new veggie to its diet.