11 Best Blue and Yellow Flowers

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Here are the most striking Blue and Yellow Flowers you can grow in the garden for a colorful combination all year round!

Blue and Yellow Flowers offer a soothing combination and also match really well with the other plants in the garden. We have the best ones for you!

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Blue and Yellow Flowers

1. Sky-Blue Sun Orchid

Best Blue and Yellow Flowers 1

Botanical Name: Thelymitra jonesii

This rare orchid plant is common in South Australia, Victoria, and Tasmania. The blue flower has a yellow center and does best in bright light.

2. Early Large-Flowered Clematis

 Blue and Yellow Flowers

Botanical Name: Clematis ‘General Sikorski’

This deciduous climber shows off large blue blooms in the fall with creamy-yellow stamens and red tint.

Discover the Best Clematis Varieties here

3. Dutch Iris

top Best Blue and Yellow Flowers

Botanical Name: Iris x hollandica

This hybrid bulbous iris belongs to Spain and Portugal. Its 3-4 inch scented blooms open in multi-shades, including blue-yellow, white, bronze, rose, gold, blue-purple, and yellow.

4. Swan River Daisy

top Blue and Yellow Flowers

Botanical Name: Brachyscome iberidifolia ‘Purple Splendor’

This warm-weather perennial offers small blooms in blue, yellow, lavender, or white colors from summer into fall. The leaves are softly textured in a gray-green shade.

Check out some beautiful rose-like flowers here

5. Blue Potato Vine

lovely Blue and Yellow Flowers

Botanical Name: Lycianthes rantonnetii

The blue potato vine features dense clusters of blossoms in a lilac-blue shade with a yellow center over green foliage.

6. Blue Daisy

gorgeous flowers in blue and yellow

Botanical Name: Felicia amelloides

Blue daisies offer sky-blue flowers with a yellow center. For best visuals, plant them with different bright-hued blooms.

Here are the Best Daisy Like Flowers

7. Forget-me-Not

best gorgeous flowers in blue and yellow

Botanical Name: Myosotis palustris ‘Southern Blues’

The shiny, bright green foliage and small blue blossoms with yellow eyes look gorgeous in containers. It’s a great choice for rock gardens.

8. Himalayan Blue Poppy

Beautiful blooms in blue and yellow

Botanical Name: Meconopsis betonicifolia

Also known as the Queen of Himalayan flowers, it shines with large cool blue blooms and hairy foliage—the pretty array of yellow centers pairs beautifully with outer petals.

9. Pansy

blooms in blue and yellow
Longwood Gardens

Botanical Name: Viola tricolor var. hortensis

It shows off upright yellow-centered light blue flowers over green leaves. For best growth, use a well-draining growing medium and provide plenty of dappled light all day long.

Check out more beautiful pansies here

10. Bush ClockvineLovely blossoms in blue and yellow

Botanical Name: Thunbergia erecta

It is one of the most beautiful vines that you can grow. The plant can be trained on walls, windows, patios, and balconies where it gets plenty of sunlight to bloom.

11. Nemesiatop Blue and Yellow Flowers 11

Botanical Name: Nemesia strumosa ‘Blue Gem’

This stunning flower is a great choice for both gardens and pots. It is also surprisingly easy to look after as long as you provide it with plenty of sunlight.

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