11 Stunning Begonia Maculata Varieties

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Discover the Best Begonia Maculata Varieties with stunning foliage and unique patterns to elevate your plant collection.

Here are the Best Begonia Maculata Varieties with fabulous color combinations that will surely add an oomph to your plant collection!

Best Begonia Maculata Varieties

1. Begonia Maculata ‘Wightii’

Begonia Maculata Varieties 1

This variety has striking silver spots on its deep green leaves, and its stems and undersides of leaves are a rich burgundy color, making for a dramatic and eye-catching plant.

2. Begonia Maculata ‘Tamaya’

 Stunning Begonia Maculata Varieties

One of the best begonia maculata varieties, it features elongated leaves with a unique spiral shape and striking silver spots, making it an elegant addition to any plant collection.

3. Begonia Maculata ‘Medora’

Types of Begonia Maculata

Medora has dark green leaves with prominent white spots that contrast beautifully against the burgundy undersides of the leaves, creating a stunning and bold visual effect.

4. Begonia Maculata ‘Angel Wing’

Various Begonia Maculata Types indoor

Angel Wing features elongated, heart-shaped leaves with a glossy, emerald green color and silver spots, making it a classic and timeless choice for any plant collection.

5. Begonia Maculata ‘Freddie’

best Different Types of Begonia Maculata

These quirky begonia maculata varieties have large, lush green leaves with unique silver spots that become more prominent as the plant matures.

6. Begonia Maculata ‘Polka Dot’

beautiful Varieties of Begonia Maculata

The classic Polka Dot variety has glossy, dark green leaves with prominent white spots that resemble polka dots, making for a playful and charming addition to any plant collection.

7. Begonia Maculata ‘Silver Spot’Types of Begonia Maculata indoor

Similar to the Polka Dot variety, the ‘Silver Spot’ variety has glossy, dark green leaves with a silver sheen and smaller, more subtle silver spots.

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8. Begonia Maculata ‘White Ice’

 Stunning Begonia Maculata Varieties

White Ice has dark green leaves with prominent white spots, creating a bold and eye-catching contrast, and its compact size makes it an ideal choice for smaller spaces.

9. Begonia Maculata ‘Annan Grace’

Different Types of Begonia Maculata 5

This Begonia Maculata variety features multi-sized dots that appear to fall off the edges of the leaves. It is originally from Japan and is one of the best begonia maculata varieties.

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10. Begonia Maculata ‘Flamingo Queen’

Varieties of Begonia Maculata 6

The ‘Flamingo Queen’ features multi-sized dots, grows into a big bush, and can be staked to reach four feet tall. It has playful leaves with a silver edge and bright pink flowers.

11. Begonia Maculata ‘Raddi’

Types of Begonia Maculata

This plant has smaller dots on the foliage and is also really easy to look after as long as it gets plenty of bright and indirect light throughout the day.

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