17 Flowers that Grow Without Sunlight

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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If you want blooms in a room with no windows, go with these flowers that grow without sunlight!

Don’t have a sunny part in your home or garden, but still crave for those lively blossoms? Don’t worry! We have some beautiful flowers that will be more than happy to bloom in no sunlight!

Flowers that Grow Without Sunlight

What we mean by ‘without sunlight’ here is a spot where the plants can get a few hours of indirect light every day without direct sun exposure.

1. Fuchsia

Fuchsia Flowers that Grow Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Fuchsia magellanica

Fuchsias are famous for their droopy flowers in shades of purple, red, and pink. They don’t need a ton of sunshine to bloom! A few hours of indirect light is all they need!

2. Phalaenopsis Orchids


Botanical Name: Orchidaceae

Phalaenopsis orchids are not exactly fans of sunbathing either! They photosynthesize even in little light, so you can keep them tucked away in the shade, and they’ll flower still.

3. Bleeding Heart


Botanical Name: Lamprocapnos spectabilis

Bleeding hearts love partial shade, and grow about 3-6 feet tall, making them perfect for railings, stairs, corners, and such places where light is not direct, or too bright.

4. Primrose

Primrose Flowers that Grow Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Primula

Primrose has small leafy rosettes and colorful blooms. They prefer shady spots, especially the ones like P. vulgaris that can’t handle too much sunlight. A great pick for centre tables!

5. Toad Lily

Botanical Name: Tricyrtis hirta

Toad lilies require moist soil and thrive in the shade. So any spot in home and garden where they could bask in some indirect light will keep them thriving and yes, blooming!

6. Impatiens

Botanical Name: Impatiens walleriana

Impatiens are great for shady gardens. They have bright flowers and grow well in various containers, like hanging baskets or window boxes.

7. African Violet

Botanical Name: Saintpaulia

African Violets are popular indoor plants because they bloom all year. They do best in indirect and bright light, so a shady windowsill is all you need for them!

8. Barrenwort


Botanical Name: Epimedium

Barrenwort is known for its star-shaped flowers and heart-shaped leaves, which flourish in partial or dappled lighting. It is a great choice if you want flowers under the trees.

9. Solomon’s Seal

Solomon’s Seal Flowers that Grow Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Polygonatum

Solomon’s Seal is an excellent choice for creating a graceful shaded garden because it doesn’t need much sunlight. You won’t need to deadhead or prune it either. Win-win!

10. Foamflowers

Foamflowers Flowers that Grow Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Tiarella

Foamflowers don’t need sunlight–they grow in shaded areas. Plus, the flowers are absolutely gorgeous. Pretty neat, right?

11. Hellebores

Hellebores Flowers that Grow Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Helleborus

Hellebores are one of the few flowers that actually prefer cooler temperatures and shade. They adapt really well to indoor environments where there is little light.

12. Pachysandra

Botanical Name: Pachysandra terminalis

Pachysandras are ground-covering plants with huge leaves and small flowers that grow close to the ground. These plants thrive in shade and don’t need much light.

13. Dead Nettle

Dead Nettle Flowers that Grow Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Lamium

Deadnettle flowers grow quite well without the sun, too. Just a bit of indirect light a few hours a day with a proper watering schedule, and they’ll keep thriving.

14. Meadow Rue

Meadow Rue Flowers that Grow Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Thalictrum

Sunshine sure is nice for Meadow Rues, but it’s not essential. These flowers grow happily in shade, so you can keep them on windows that have curtains.

15. Anthurium

Botanical Name: Anthurium andraeanum

Anthuriums aren’t fans of super bright light, either. They prefer chilling under the shade of bigger trees. They still need some light to grow, though. Follow our tips if you want to grow a big one!

16. Peace Lily

Botanical Name: Spathiphyllum

These are green and good looking while growing awesome spathes! What more do you want? Pick any spot in the home that gets normal lighting and these will do wonderfully well!

17. Snake Plant

Botanical Name: Dracaena trifasciata

Well, not all snake plants flower, but they do, you will absolutely love them for their intense fragrance! And yes, you don’t have to keep them in a sunny spot. They’ll happy bloom in a shaded room, too!

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