12 Vines That Grow Without Sunlight

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Vines That Grow Without Sunlight are a must-have for dimly lit areas. Check out this article to find the ones that suit your space best!

Vines are a great way to bring greenery to shady areas in your garden or home, and some of them can grow well without direct sunlight. Keep reading to discover these shade-loving vines.

Vines That Grow Without Sunlight

1. English Ivy

Vines That Grow Without Sunlight h

Botanical Name: Hedera helix

This evergreen vine thrives in moderate to low indirect light requiring around 4 to 6 hours daily. Known for its ability to climb walls, fences and trellises, English Ivy varieties can spread quite long, so prune it regularly to maintain the desired size.

2. Pothos

Vines That Grow Without Sunlight in home

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

Commonly grown as a hanging or trailing plant indoors, pothos can reach lengths of 6 to 10 feet. The plant does well in low to bright indirect light, needing about 3 to 4 hours of filtered sunlight each day.

3. Creeping Fig

Amazing Vines That Grow Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Ficus pumila

Creeping fig can grow up to 10-15 feet in length, which makes it an excellent choice for covering walls or trellises. It prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate low light conditions, needing about 4 to 5 hours of indirect light each day.

4. Climbing Hydrangea

Awesome Vines That Grow Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris

Climbing hydrangea can reach up to 30 to 50 feet over several years. It prefers bright indirect light, but is adaptable to less light, typically requiring  just 2-3 hours of indirect light per day.

5. Heartleaf Philodendron

Amazing Vines That Grow Without Sunlight 23

Botanical Name: Philodendron hederaceum

Under optimal indoor conditions, this plant can grow up to 6-12  feet. It thrives well in low to moderate indirect light thus making it an excellent choice for homes with limited sunlight exposure.

6. Dutchman’s PipeVines That Grow Without Sunlight in garden

Botanical Name: Aristolochia

With the potential to reach heights of 20 to 30 feet, this vine thrives in bright indirect light but can adapt to lower light levels, too. As it spreads quite well, you can also use it as a privacy plant.

7. Arrowhead Vine

Vines That Grow Without Sunlight in home

Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum

A favorite among beginners, this easy-to-care-for vine can stretch out between 3 to 6 feet which makes it a great choice for indoor spaces. It prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions, too, without any fuss!

8. Hoya

Awesome Vines That Grow Without Sunlight 34

Botanical Name: Hoya

When allowed to grow freely, Hoyas can extend up to 4 to 10 feet. It thrives in bright indirect light but can tolerate moderate light levels, requiring about 4 to 6 hours of indirect light per day.

9. Algerian Ivy

Vines That Grow Without Sunlight in pot

Botanical Name: Hedera canariensis

Depending on the growing conditions, this ivy variety can grow up to 15-20 feet in length. It does well in moderate indirect light, but if you need the variegation to pop in the foliage, make sure it gets 3 to 5 hours of filtered light daily.

10. Japanese Climbing Fern

Amazing Vines That Grow Without Sunlight 56

Botanical Name: Lygodium japonicum

Typically extending up to 10 to 30 feet, this fern prefers shade to partial sun and thrives in indirect light for most of the day. If you have an empty wall to cover right next to a tree in the yard, this is your plant for it!

11. Virginia Creeper

Amazing Vines That Grow Without Sunlight 56

Botanical Name: Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Capable of rapid growth, this vine can reach heights of 30 to 50 feet. It adapts to a range of light conditions but thrives in partial to full shade, needing 2 to 4 hours of indirect light daily for those beautiful flowers!

12. Wax Ivy

Indoor Vines That Grow Without Sunlight

Botanical Name: Senecio macroglossus

Do not confuse it with the English ivy as the plant shares a striking resemblance! The colorful leaves and trailing growth habit makes it great for both garden and homes, where the sunlight’s reach is not that much.

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