15 Ugly Flowers You’d Like to Grow in Garden

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Get ready to unleash your inner gardener rebel with these unique and fascinating Ugly Flowers You’d Like to Grow in Garden!

Are you tired of the same old pretty flowers in your garden? Do you crave something unique and daring to make your outdoor space stand out? Well, look no further! From the hauntingly beautiful corpse flower to the oddly shaped but charming stinking hellebore, get ready to embrace the ugly with these Ugly Flowers You’d Like to Grow in Garden!

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Ugly Flowers You’d Like to Grow in Garden

1. Corpse Flower

You'd Like to Grow Ugly Flowers in Your Garden

Botanical Name: Amorphophallus titanium

This rare plant is notorious for its incredibly strong odor of rotting flesh. It also has an interesting and unusual flower structure.

2. Stinking Hellebore

Ugly Flowers You'd Like to Grow in Garden

Botanical Name: Helleborus foetidus

As the name suggests, the Stinking Hellebore has an unpleasant odor. However, its drooping green flowers with red-tipped petals can add a unique touch to a garden.

3. Snake Gourd

Unattractive Flowers You'd Like to Plant in Your Garden

Botanical Name: Trichosanthes cucumerina

This climbing vine produces long, twisted, and somewhat eerie-looking fruit that can add an interesting element to a garden.

4. Bat Flower

top Ugly Flowers You'd Like to Grow in Garden

Botanical Name: Tacca chantrieri

The Bat Flower is an exotic plant with dark purple, bat-shaped flowers and long whiskers that may be considered unusual or even ugly to some.

5. Spiny Bear’s Breeches

You'd Like to Grow Ugly Flowers in Your Garden1

Botanical Name: Acanthus spinosus

While this plant’s leaves may be attractive to some, its spiny flowers can appear unattractive and even intimidating.

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6. Voodoo Lily

Unattractive Flowers You'd Like to Plant in Your Garden

Botanical Name: Sauromatum venosum

The Voodoo lily produces a large and strange-looking flower that can have a strong odor. Its stem is mottled with white and purple spots, adding to its unusual appearance.

7. Rafflesia

Embarrassing Flowers You'd Love to Plant in Your Yard

Botanical Name: Rafflesia arnoldii

The plant produces the world’s largest flower, which can measure up to three feet in diameter. It looks like it will capture you with its petals in no time!

8. Love-Lies-Bleeding

Embarrassing Flowers You'd Love to Plant in Your Yard1

Botanical Name: Amaranthus caudatus

This plant produces long, drooping flowers that can be a deep red or purple color. Some people may consider them unattractive, but they can add a unique touch to a garden.

9. Dutchman’s Pipe

Ugly Flowers You'd Like to Grow in Garden1

Botanical Name: Aristolochia macrophylla

The Dutchman’s Pipe is a vine that produces unusual, pipe-shaped flowers that can be an interesting addition to a garden. However, the flowers are not particularly showy, and the plant can be invasive, so it may not be for everyone.

10. Skunk Cabbage

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Botanical Name: Symplocarpus foetidus

The Skunk Cabbage plant produces a large, pungent flower that resembles a cabbage. While the flower may not be visually appealing to everyone, it is an interesting addition to a wetland garden.

11. Rattlesnake Master

Embarrassing Flowers You'd Love to Plant in Your Yard1

Botanical Name: Eryngium yuccifolium

The Rattlesnake Master produces a spiky, white flower that can add texture and interest to a garden. However, its sharp appearance may be unappealing to some.

12. Sea Holly

Embarrassing Flowers You'd Love to Plant in Your Yard

Botanical Name: Eryngium maritimum

The Sea Holly plant produces spiky, metallic-blue flowers that can add a unique touch to a garden. However, the flowers’ spiky appearance may not be for everyone.

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13. Cuckoo Pint

Unattractive Flowers You'd Like to Plant in Your Garden3

Botanical Name: Arum maculatum

The Cuckoo Pint plant produces a hooded flower that can have a strong odor. However, its unique shape and unusual coloration can add interest to a woodland garden.

14. Cobra Lily

Ugly Flowers You'd Like to Grow in Garden

Botanical Name: Darlingtonia californica

The Cobra Lily plant produces a striking, green and red pitcher-shaped flower that can resemble a cobra poised to strike. While it may not be conventionally pretty, its unusual appearance and carnivorous nature can intrigue a garden.

15. Dracunculus Vulgaris

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Botanical Name: Dragon arum

The plant produces a large, maroon-colored flower that can resemble a dragon’s tongue. Its unusual appearance and size can make it a conversation starter in a garden.

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