10 Tropical Plants With Orange Flowers

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Tropical Plants With Orange Flowers are must-haves in any garden setting to bring a colorful flair and contrasting must-have!

From fiery blossoms that mimic a sunset’s glow to soft, peachy petals that invite a closer look, Tropical Plants with Orange Flowers are nothing short of spectacular! We have the most stunning ones on this list!

Tropical Plants With Orange Flowers

1. California Poppy

Best Tropical Plants with Orange Flowers 1

Botanical Name: Eschscholzia californica

This iconic wildflower native to the western United States is known for its golden-orange blooms that add color to meadows, hillsides, and gardens. Easy to grow from seed, California Poppy thrives best in dry conditions and is well-suited to xeriscaping.

2. Crossandra

Tropical Plants With Orange Flowers
U.S.Botanic garden

Botanical Name: Firecracker Flower

A popular choice for both outdoor spaces and a houseplant, Crossandra features clusters of tubular flowers in different shades of orange, red, and yellow. These long-lasting flowers are excellent for attracting pollinators to the garden and can be grown in garden beds and containers.

3. Clivia Miniata

Best Tropical Plants with Orange Flowers 3

Botanical Name: Bush Lily

These tropical plants with orange flowers are famous for their trumpet-like blooms that contrast with their dark green leaves, thus making it an eye-catching addition to any garden!

4. Cuphea

lovely Tropical Plants With Orange Flowers

Botanical Name: Cigar Plant

Also famous for the name of the firecracker plant, Cuphea produces tubular flowers that resemble tiny cigars or firecrackers, hence its common names. This Mexican native perennial plant is a great addition to hanging baskets, containers, and borders.

5. African Tulip Tree Tropical Plants with Orange Flowers 5

Botanical Name: Spathodea campanulata

This tree’s distinctive orange flowers feature bell-like shapes. It can reach a maximum height of 50-80 feet, making it an ideal choice for a large outdoor garden.

6. Orange Clock Vine

amazing Tropical Plants With Orange Flowers

Botanical Name: Thunbergia gregorii

This vine is a great choice for vertical gardening because it grows quickly and has bright orange flowers shaped like trumpets. It is perfect for covering fences, trellises or arbors in a short amount of time.

7. Parrot’s Beak Flower

beautiful Tropical Plants with Orange Flowers 7

Botanical Name: Heliconia psittacorum

As the name suggests, the blossoms of this plant look like a parrot’s beak. It assures a tropical vibe to any outdoor or indoor area.

8. Ashanti Blood Flower

top best Tropical Plants With Orange Flowers

Botanical Name: Mussaenda erythrophylla

This multifunctional plant is renowned for its vibrant red-ish-orange flowers and ornate bracts. It is ideal for adding visual interest and contrasting colors to any landscape.

9. Coral Aphelandra

Tropical Plants with Orange Flowers 9

Botanical Name: Aphelandra sinclairiana

Coral aphelandra has bright orange flowers and bright zebra stripes on its leaves. It loves bright light and moist soil.

10. Scarlet Flame Bean

Tropical Plants With Orange Flowers in garden

Botanical Name: Brownea coccinea

Last on our list of tropical plants with orange flowers is Scarlet Flame Bean. This small tree features bright clusters in various shades ranging from deep orange to red.

Quick Care Tips for Tropical Plants with Orange Flowers

Growing tropical plants with orange flowers requires proper care so that they bloom for a long time to come and stay safe from potential issues.

  • Apply a balanced fertilizer during the growing season to improve flower production.
  • Prune regularly to maintain the plant’s shape and encourage new plant growth.
  • Look for common pests such as aphids or spider mites and treat them as needed with organic or chemical products.
  • Some tropical plants may need extra care during the colder months.
  • Investing in the right plants that match your needs means investing in a living, breathing decor that will keep your space fresh.

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