Texas State Flower and How to Grow It

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Texas State Flower is a mix of blue and purple, which makes it a royal addition to any garden! Here’s all about it!

Texas State Flower

Now many are aware of the state flower of Texas! Bluebonnets it is, and the plant grows quote well in the warm weather the area has on offer!

Texas State Flower

Bluebonnets (Lupinus texensis) are the official state flower of Texas, and they were given this title in the year 1901. The legislature of the state also declared that any similar type of Lupinus found in Texas would be considered the state flower.

The plant usually blooms from mid-March to April in Texas, offering an array of blue-purple flowers.

How to Grow Texas State Flower

Texas State Flower 2

You can grow the flower from seeds. Get them online, and sow in a seed starting mix. Do not put them more than 1/2 an inch deep into the growing medium. Water well, and make sure they get plenty of bright and indirect light. The seeds will germinate in a few weeks.

Do note that starting the plant from seeds will take a lot of time to get into the flowering stage, so it would be a good idea to get transplants from a garden centre near you!

Maintaining Bluebonnets

  • Being a flowering plant, bluebonnets need plenty of sunlight to thrive and flower well. Pick the sunniest part of the garden to grow these beauties.
  • Any well-draining growing medium would be a good pick. Avoid using 100% garden soil.
  • Water the plant only when the topsoil goes a bit dry.
  • These plants do not require much feeding but you can use a balanced liquid fertilizer, once in 1-2 months, after diluting it to 1/2 of its strength.
  • Keep an eye on pill and sow bugs while growing these plants. They can wreak havoc on the flowers. To keep the pests at bay, it would be a good idea not to overwater these plants and also, avoid wetting the foliage.

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