16 Best Vegetables that are Ready to Harvest in Less than 2 Months!

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Get fresh and delicious Vegetables in Two Months! Explore our selection of fast-growing veggies that are perfect for your quick gardening needs.

Are you short on time but still want to enjoy fresh homegrown vegetables? Look no further! Our collection of 16 unique vegetables harvested in just two months is perfect for those who want to indulge in delicious produce without the long wait.

Check Out Perennial Flowers that Bloom All Summer here

Vegetables in Just Two Months

1. Mesclun Mix

16 Best Vegetables that are Ready to Harvest in Less than 2 Months! 1

Depending on the variety of mesclun mix you are growing and the conditions, you should be able to harvest it in two months. Some varieties will be ready sooner than others, so keep an eye on your plants.

2. Scallions

Botanical Name: Allium fistulosum

Scallions (or spring onions) are closely related to the onion, shallot, and leek. They have a mild onion-like flavor with a hint of sweetness and are often used to add flavor to salads, soups, stews, and other dishes.

Scallions can be ready to harvest within two months of growing. Depending on the variety, scallions can be ready to harvest in anywhere from 45 to 60 days.

3. Arugula

16 Best Vegetables that are Ready to Harvest in Less than 2 Months! 2

Botanical Name: Eruca sativa

Arugula or rocket is a salad green in the Brassicaceae family. It is native to the Mediterranean region and has a nutty, peppery flavor. It can be eaten raw or cooked.

It is a fast-growing leafy green that matures quickly, usually within 2-3 weeks after the seeds germinate. The leaves can be harvested at any point when they reach the desired size.

Find the Best Arugula Companion Plants here

4. Frisee

Botanical Name: Cichorium endivia var. crispum

Frisee is a type of endive vegetable that is a member of the chicory family. It has a slightly bitter flavor and is most commonly used in salads, but it can also be used in soups and in other cooked meals.

You can expect to harvest it in about two months. Frisee is a fast-growing cool-season crop that is best planted in the late summer or early fall.

5. Tatsoi

16 Best Vegetables that are Ready to Harvest in Less than 2 Months! 3

Botanical Name: Brassica rapa subsp. narinosa

Tatsoi is a leafy green vegetable originating from Japan. It has dark green spoon-shaped leaves and a mild, sweet flavor. Tatsoi is often used in salads, stir-fries, and soups. It can also be cooked like spinach and used as a side dish.

To extend the harvest period of tatsoi, you can plant new crops every two to three weeks. However, it is advisable to halt the planting process when the weather gets hot.

6. Shungiku

Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum coronarium

Shungiku, also known as chrysanthemum greens, is a popular edible leafy green vegetable in Japan. It is a member of the aster family, related to daisies, and is recognizable by its pointed, serrated leaves. It has a mild, slightly sweet taste and is often used in salads, soups, and stir-fries. It can also be pickled and used as a condiment.

You can typically harvest Shungiku two months after you first start growing it. It’s best to start harvesting when the leaves are still small. Pick regularly to encourage new growth.

7. Red Orach

16 Best Vegetables that are Ready to Harvest in Less than 2 Months! 4

Botanical Name: Atriplex hortensis

Red Orach is an edible vegetable closely related to the spinach plant and has a slightly sweet, earthy flavor. It can be cooked in a variety of dishes, including soups and salads. You can also be used as a spinach substitute.

It is possible to harvest red orach in just two months, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Harvest when the leaves are at least 3-4 inches in length.

8. Edamame

Botanical Name: Glycine max

Edamames are soybeans that are picked before they reach full maturity and are usually served lightly boiled or steamed. They have a slightly sweet, nutty flavor and a soft, buttery texture. Edamame is a popular snack or appetizer in Asian cuisines and is increasingly popular in other countries as well due to its protein content.

Expect them to be ready to harvest in two months. Edamame is a type of green soybean that is usually harvested when the beans are still soft and tender.

Learn about Growing Edamame Beans here

9. Tatume Squash

16 Best Vegetables that are Ready to Harvest in Less than 2 Months! 5

Botanical Name: Cucurbita pepo ‘Tatume’

Tatume is a Mexican variety of squash that originated in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. It has a mild sweet taste and is often used in soups, salads, stews, and as a side dish.

If you plant Tatume squash in the spring or summer, expect to harvest your squash in two months. When the vines start to turn yellow and the squash feels firm, it’s ready.

Get the Best Fig Leaf Squash Care Guide here

10. Bush Beans


Botanical Name: Phaseolus vulgaris

Bush beans are easy to grow and prepare, simply sow the seeds directly into high-quality soil, and with proper care, they will produce a beautiful, bountiful harvest in 55-60 days.

Find the Best Types of Beans that Grow Vertically here

11. Kale


Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea var. sabellica

Kale has a strong, earthy flavor and can range from slightly bitter to sweet, depending on how it is cooked.

It can be harvested as baby leaves for salads, but many types can also produce mature leaves in less than two months. Try ‘Red Russian’ kale for the best taste and results!

Learn about the Best Kale Varieties here

12. Broccoli


Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea var. italica

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable of the Brassicaceae family and is native to the Mediterranean region. It has a unique taste, with a slightly bitter and nutty flavor. The texture is crunchy, and the texture of the florets is similar to cauliflower.

‘Di Cicco’ matures in just 45 days and forms small heads, while ‘Packman’ takes 55 days and produces larger heads. It grows best in indirect light.

Learn about Growing Romanesco Broccoli here

13. Beets

Botanical Name: Beta vulgaris

Beets are a member of the Chenopodiaceae family, which also includes spinach and chard. They have a sweet, earthy flavor and can be cooked in a variety of ways, including roasting, steaming, sautéing, and pickling.

While it takes 50 or more days for the roots to reach a size suitable for harvest, the baby greens can be harvested as early as 30 days for salads.

Find the Best Beet Companion Plants here

14. Bok Choy

Stephanie Smith

Botanical Name: Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis

Bok choy is a type of Chinese cabbage with a mild and sweet flavor and a crunchy texture.

It typically gets ready to harvest in 50-60 days from the date of planting. Do make sure that it gets plenty of light and regular watering to speed up the growing process.

Want to Grow Bok Choy in Water? Learn here

15. Spinach


Botanical Name: Spinacia oleracea

Spinach is a leafy green vegetable and has a slightly bitter flavor, but it can also be sweet, depending on the variety you grow and the tips you follow that are listed here.

Whether you prefer baby greens or mature leaves, spinach can be harvested leaf-by-leaf or as a whole plant. Some early maturing varieties are ‘Space,’ ‘America,’ and ‘Bloomsdale.’

Learn about Growing Egyptian Spinach at Home here

16. Okra


Botanical Name: Abelmoschus esculentus

The pods of the okra plant have a mild, sweet taste and can be used in many dishes, including gumbo, stews, and salads.

To achieve speedy results in your garden, consider planting the ‘Annie Oakley’ variety, which can start producing pods in as few as 50-55 days.

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  1. In my house, I plant mint leaves, curry, scentleave, pepper on containers. Am enjoying every bit of it. It’s interesting truly. I don’t have space, I would have done more.


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