35 Stunning Types of Desert Rose Varieties

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Feast your eyes on the most stunning Types of Desert Rose Varieties and pick the one you like the most to grow!

In this article, we will explore some of the most popular Types of Desert Rose Varieties, their unique features, and how to care for them.

Check out the Best Desert Rose Care Tips Here!

Types of Desert Rose Varieties

1. Adenium arabicum

Types of Desert Rose Varieties

This Desert Rose variety is known for its beautiful, fragrant pink-red flowers. It has a bushy growth habit, and it can reach a height of up to 6 feet.

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2. Adenium Arizona


These types of desert rose varieties are a hybrid of Adenium obesum and Adenium swazicum. It is a small, bushy plant that produces pink or red flowers.

3. Adenium boehmianum

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 3

This Desert Rose variety is native to Madagascar, and it has a unique growth habit. It produces beautiful pale pink flowers, and it is a great plant for small spaces.

4. Adenium crispum


This Adenium variety is known for its unique, wrinkled leaves. It produces pink or red, or even white flowers and has a slow growth rate.

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5. Adenium multiflorum

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 5

This is a unique type of desert rose variety popular for its small size and abundance of flowers. It produces clusters of white flowers with red-pink edges.

6. Adenium obesum

This is the most common type of Desert Rose plant. Its flowers are usually red with yellow centers, and they bloom throughout the year.

7. Adenium oleifolium

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 7

This Adenium variety is native to East Africa and is famous for its thick, succulent stem and glossy leaves. It produces pink or red flowers and has a moderate growth rate.

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8. Adenium Somalense

This is a rare type of desert rose variety that is native to Somalia. It has a thick, succulent stem and beautiful pink flowers.

9. Adenium swazicum


This Desert rose variety is native to Swaziland, and it has a compact growth habit. It produces beautiful pale pink or red flowers, and it is a great plant for small spaces.

10. Adenium socotranum

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 10

This Desert Rose variety is native to the island of Socotra, off the coast of Yemen. It has a thick, bottle-shaped stem and produces beautiful pink or white flowers.

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11. Adenium obesum ‘Amethyst’

This plant has striking purple-pink flowers and glossy green leaves. It is a slow-growing plant that prefers warm, dry climates and well-draining soil.

12. Adenium obesum ‘Arctic Snow’

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 12

If you want elegance, then this plant stands out with its beautiful white flowers. The Arctic Snow is a great choice for gardeners who want a low-maintenance plant.

13. Adenium obesum ‘Arrogant’

This stubby plant has deep red flowers and a unique, twisted trunk. ‘Arrogant’ is a popular choice among collectors because of its unusual shape.

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14. Adenium obesum ‘Golden Millionare’

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 14

This one is a little different with its buttery yellow blooms that look like roses. The Aurora is a drought-tolerant plant that can thrive in hot, dry climates.

15. Adenium obesum ‘Bejewelled’

‘Bejewelled’ produces large flowers that come in a variety of colors, including pink, red, white, and yellow, and often have a patterned or variegated appearance

16. Adenium obesum ‘Beauty Cloud’

These types of desert rose varieties produce multicolored blooms with shades of white and pink flowers with a beautiful, cloud-like pattern.

17. Adenium obesum ‘Grace’

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 17

Its flowers are usually pink, with soft and delicate hues that range from pale to rosy pink. These blooms are also noted for their ruffled edges.

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18. Adenium obesum ‘Black Romance’

This plant features deep, velvety-red flowers with dark edges, a whitish-pink base, and glossy green leaves.

19. Adenium obesum ‘Beautiful Dreamer’

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 19

This eye-catching Adenium variety features yellowish bloom with a unique striped pattern in pink and pink edges.

20. Adenium obesum ‘Double Bel-Air’

These types of desert rose varieties have double-layered flowers with wine-colored petals. It is a popular choice for gardeners who want a plant with a dramatic appearance.

21. Adenium obesum ‘Double Black Steel’

A striking plant, it has deep, velvety-red to dark purplish flowers with a unique black center. The blooms match really well with its deep green leaves.

Check Here for More Black Flowers and Plant Options.

22. Adenium obesum ‘Double Citrine’

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 22

If you want a small and easy-to-grow plant, go with this one. It features beautiful, double-layered flowers that look like a rose and come in shades of yellow and white.

23. Adenium obesum ‘Peach’

Are you a fan of yellow blooms? This is for you! It grows double-layered flowers in shades of peach and white with a unique, ruffled texture.

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24. Adenium obesum ‘Double Golden Stripes’

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 24

A great plant for beginners, it has large blooms that take a beautiful shade of orange and red with golden-red stripe patterns.

25. Adenium obesum ‘Double Noble’


The flowers come in a range of colors, including pink, red, white, and purple. These blooms are noted for their showy appearance and beautiful coloration.

26. Adenium obesum ‘Double Purple Charms’

This unique and eye-catching Adenium variety features beautiful, double-layered flowers in shades of purple and white with a unique, striped pattern.

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27. Adenium obesum ‘Elegant Ballerina’

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 27

If you like variegated flowers, then pick this one. Its blooms come in shades of white and peach, with a yellow star-like center and red veins.

28. Adenium obesum ‘Triple Purple Aloha’

It is named for its triple-petaled purple flowers that originate from Hawaii, which is often associated with the word “aloha.”  The flowers are a vibrant shade of purple.

29. Adenium obesum ‘Golden Carrot’

Small and stunning, this plant can be a cool tabletop specimen with a unique, carrot-like shape. Its flowers have shades of yellow and orange.

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30. Adenium obesum ‘Golden Millionaire’

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 30

As the name suggests, this Adenium variety features mesmerizing blooms in buttery yellow to golden blooms with shades of white and pink stripes.

31. Adenium obesum ‘Good Night’


This particular cultivar of Adenium features striking dark red flowers with a black throat that bloom in clusters at the tips of the plant’s branches.

32. Adenium obesum ‘Picotee’

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 32

The plant is native to sub-Saharan Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and is prized for its striking, trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom in a variety of colors.

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33. Adenium obesum ‘Pearl’

‘Pearl’ produces beautiful flowers that are about 2-3 inches in diameter. The petals are often lightly flushed with pink or yellow at the edges, adding a touch of subtle color.

34. Adenium obesum ‘Star Cluster’

Star Cluster Adenium features a cluster of star-shaped flowers that are usually a bright color like hot pink, red, or orange and are accented by a contrasting center and throat.

35. Adenium obesum ‘Super Noble Concubine’

Types of Desert Rose Varieties 35

Another stubby one, it grows white blooms with hot pink edges and a unique, velvety texture. It is a popular choice among collectors because of its beautiful appearance.

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