7 Flowers That Look Like Vaginas | Plants That Look Like Vagina

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Looking for quirky plants for your home and garden? Here are some Flowers That Look Like Vaginas! Keep reading and get surprised!

Check out these Flowers That Look Like Vaginas, which will make your garden stand out and make everyone look twice!

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Flowers That Look Like Vaginas

1. Poppy PlantFlowers That Look Like Vaginas 1

Botanical Name: Papaver

The opium poppy is an annual plant with large, lobed leaves and produces showy flowers that are often red but can also be pink, white, orange, or purple that resemble a vagina. Never thought you’d see something like this, did you?

2. African Tulip Flower

Flowers That Look Like Vaginas 2

Botanical Name: Spathodea campanulata

The African tulip is an herbaceous perennial plant that grows from a bulb and is one among the list of Flowers That Look Like Vaginas.

It has long, narrow leaves and produces clusters of bright red, orange, or yellow flowers on tall, slender stalks. Guess what it looks like?

3. Butterfly Pea

Flowers That Look Like Vaginas 3

Botanical Name: Clitoria ternatea

The plant has trifoliate leaves, meaning that each leaf is divided into three leaflets. It produces showy, blue, or purple flowers about 1 to 2 inches in diameter.

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4. Venus Flytrap

Flowers That Look Like Vaginas 4

Botanical Name: Dionaea muscipula

The Venus flytrap has a rosette of long, pointed leaves that grow from a short stem. Each leaf is divided into two parts: a long, narrow “blade” and a short, triangular “lobe,” giving the plant an appearance like a vagina.

5. Chinese Evergreen

Flowers That Look Like Vaginas 5

Botanical Name: Aglaonema

The small spathes are typically green or white and are borne on short, inconspicuous spikes. Could you have guessed there was a proper “Lady Flower” in the wild?

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6. Hydnora

Flowers That Look Like Vaginas 6

Botanical Name: Hydnora africana

Hydnora Africana has a unique appearance, with thick, fleshy stems and unusual, tube-like flowers that are orange or red in color. The flowers are typically about 6-12 inches long and are lined with tiny, spiky teeth, making them look like a vagina.

7. Barrita Orchid

Barrita Orchid 7

Botanical Name: Cymbidium Orchid ‘Barrita’

When it comes to looking at something as close to the ‘real,’ this flower wins that, hands down! Do we need to say more after this picture?

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