12 Best Herbs to Grow Indoors | Indoor Herbs

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Are you starting an indoor herb garden? Find out 12 best herbs to grow indoors. These are easiest to grow and require less care.
herbs for indoor garden

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors in Less Sun

1. Lemongrass

lemon grass

This herb grows wild in tropics. You can also grow it in temperate climates. It requires slightly moist soil and partial sun, and it can even adjust itself in a small container.

2. Mint

best herbs to grow indoors 1

In the garden, mint becomes very invasive and grows like a weed. It doesn’t require plenty of sun too. You can even keep your potted mint plant in a spot that receives bright indirect sun.

3. Parsley

indoor herb garden

Grow it in a medium-large pot and keep that in a spot that receives part sun. In a moderate room temperature, you can grow it year-round. Just propagate new plants time to time from cuttings, and it will last forever in your indoor herb garden.

4. Chives


Herbs that require less sunlight and moist soil to thrive are most suitable for growing indoors. Chives can grow in part sun. Just place the pot near a bright window facing east or west. You can multiply chives from an already established plant by division. Learn more about growing chives here.

5. Garden Cress

garden cress

You can grow this cool-season annual indoors easily. Plant seeds in a shallow but wide container and keep the pot on a windowsill that receives partial sun. Soil should be moist, for the regular harvest of cress microgreens, plant seeds in a regular interval of every two weeks. You can cut and harvest the garden cress 3-4 times. If there is no sun, you can grow it under fluorescent lamps and T5 fluorescent plant lights.

6. Catnip


Growing catnip indoors is hard if you have cats. Apart from that, it is one of the easiest herbs. Once you germinate seeds, you can grow it forever from cuttings. Place the pot on a sunny windowsill and keep it well watered.

7. Lemon Balm


Lemon balm grows year-round in warmer zones. Some gardeners even consider it a weed. Growing lemon balm indoors is super easy if you can provide it exposure to 4 hours of sunlight daily. When growing indoors, water the plant only when topsoil is dry.

8. Chervil


Chervil is one of the herbs you can grow indoors smoothly. Room temperature around 60-70 F is optimum for it. It can also adapt to low light conditions.

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors in More Sun

9. Dill

how to grow dill

The secret of growing dill successfully in a container is to grow it in a deep one. A minimum of 10 inches deep container is required. For growing dill indoors keep it in a spot that receives at least 5 hours of sunlight daily, provide good air circulation and water it only when the top 1 inch surface of potting soil seems dry.

10. Cilantro

Image Credit: Gardening Know How
Image Credit: Gardening Know How

Cilantro is extremely easy to germinate but hard to maintain in containers. The trick is to grow cilantro in a deep container. It bolts quickly, so it is better to plant seeds from time to time. Keep cilantro in the south or west-facing window.

11. Sage

Best Indoor Herbs--SageGrow sage indoors only if you have a South or West facing window and that receives minimum 5-6 hours of direct sun. This perennial herb takes a lot of time to get established when grown from seeds, so it is better to take a tip cutting and propagate it.

12. Thyme

Indoor Herb Garden

Thyme can adjust itself to partial sun and if you can provide 5 hours of sunlight daily, growing thyme indoors is possible.

Have a look at herbs you can grow in water indoors all year round here

A few more herbs you can grow indoors on a windowsill

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