13 Best Spring Flowers in Michigan

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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These Spring Flowers in Michigan bring in a dash of colorful appeal in the third month of the year!

Do you live in Michigan, and want to see your garden come alive with vivid blooms at the start of the year? Well, these flowers are the best pick!

Spring Flowers in Michigan

1. Virginia Spring Beauty

Spring Flowers in Michigan 1

Botanical Name: Claytonia virginica

Virginia spring flowers in Michigan come in a lovely shade of white with streaks of pink all over. The plant blossoms from early April to mid May.

2. Marsh Marigold

Botanical Name: Caltha palustris

Marsh Marigold provide first cluster of flowers as the spring comes. These perennials grow best in wet soil and dappled light. Fall is the best time to plant them in Michigan.

3. Yellow Trout Lily

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Botanical Name: Erythronium americanum

These spring Michigan flowers bloom between April and May. The plant is not fussy when it comes to growing needs and pretty much blooms anywhere you grow it.

4. Hepatica

Botanical Name: Hepatica acutiloba

Hepaticas come in the shades of white with a little lavender hue. In Michigan, these plants are the first ones to bloom after the cold months end.

5. Bloodroot

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Botanical Name: Sanguinaria canadensis

Stubby, sweet, and elegant—this is what this plant is. It is native to the state, and starts to bloom around mid April with blossoms that grow in clusters with yellow centre.

6. Common Trillium


Botanical Name: Trillium grandiflorum

It has large, showy flowers, and the plant grow best in wet settings. If you plan to grow it in the garden, make sure you give it proper sunlight and plenty of moisture to thrive.

7. Jack in the Pulpit

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Botanical Name: Arisaema triphyllum

This may look like a lily, but it is far from one. These bloom in early Spring, but you need to be a little careful as they are poisonous.

8. Celandine Poppy


Botanical Name: Stylophorum diphyllum

If you want clusters of yellow flowers adorning your garden like a carpet, then this is your best bet! These bloom from March to June.

9. Wild Geranium

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Botanical Name: Geranium maculatum

Wild Geranium are quite different from the geraniums we all love! The plant generally blooms around early spring and comes in a beautiful, purple-white hue.

10. Wild Columbine


Botanical Name: Aquilegia canadensis

Wild Columbine’s bell-shaped flowers create quite a show when they hang from slender stems. The plant starts to bloom in early spring.

11. Dutchman’s Breeches

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Botanical Name: Dicentra cucullaria

These stunning spring flowers have pouch-like shape and come in elegant white color. Dutchman’s Breeches are a great pick for pots as they don’t grow beyond 2 feet tall.

12. Squirrel Corn

Botanical Name: Dicentra canadensis

Want spring flowers that do well in the shade? Well, squirrel corn wouldn’t disappoint. Give it plenty of moisture and some dappled light, and it will bloom easily!

13. Mayapple

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Botanical Name: Podophyllum peltatum

Mayapple plants are quite a common spotting across southern Michigan and start to flower from May to June. As they are accustomed to grow in the wild, they are easy to maintain, too.

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