Spider Plant and Cats: 5 Reasons Why Your Feline Loves It

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Spider Plant and Cats shouldn’t make sense, but somehow they do! Are you curious to know why your feline loves it? Read on!

Spider plants and cats

Many plants repel pets and other animals, and many are toxic to both animals and humans. However, if you wonder why your feline friend is too attached to your potted spider plant, one of these might be the reason.

Why Cats Adore Spider Plants

1. They’re Non-toxic to Cats

Not Toxic to pets

Who would want to be around toxicity, humans or animals? According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the spider plant is not toxic to cats or other pets.

It is natural that when a plant is harmless to a pet, it won’t mind its company; also, the plant has ribbon-like arching leaves that are ticklish, which makes it even more attractive to them. This is why you often see cats wandering around your spider plant.

2. Spider Plants are Hallucinogenic for Cats

This might sound a bit strange, but cats are believed to find spider plants mildly hallucinogenic, which is why they can’t get enough of them. Spider plants affect cats similarly to catnip but in a milder way.

It’s believed that these effects may be caused by compounds similar to opium derivatives. However, the exact compound responsible has not been identified in any study.

These compounds are not toxic to cats but can stimulate mild, temporary effects similar to those of the cat-friendly herb mentioned above.

3. They Sway in Hanging Pots

The Unique Position

It is not always about the compounds and botany that explain why cats love spider plants. Sometimes, basic things like the spot and planting style of the spider plant can be the reason behind this curiosity. If you are a cat parent, you will know that any moving or dangling object can be the center of attraction for your kitty.

Since spider plants are usually grown in hanging baskets or positioned on high spots, the dangling movement of the leaves draws cats to them just out of curiousness.

4. Cats Love To Nibble On PlantsThey Love To Nibble On Plants

We all know that cats are carnivores but occasionally love to nibble on plants and cat grasses. It is a simple reason why you see your cat getting too much towards your spider plant. This is also useful for cats as greens help them to digest, particularly those furballs.

Cats love to be curious about their surroundings and often check what is around by smelling or nibbling on it. If your cat finds your spider plant too tasty, it might take a few bites now and then. Dogs do it, too!

5. They Make Great Cat Toys

Well, they’re not exactly toys, but anyone who has owned a cat knows that they spend much of their time amusing themselves and you with their theatrics.

Spider plants have leaves with a soft, grass-like texture that cats may enjoy rubbing against. The leaves are also often long and slender, which sway in the breeze.

Cats have an instinct to hunt and play with prey. So, these leaves can trigger their hunting instincts and lead to playful behavior. You must have caught your feline on its back, paws up in the air, trying to fist-fight the foliage of a spider plant–that’s exactly what we’re talking about.

How to Save Your Spider Plant From Cats

Your cats definitely don’t need protection from spider plats, but ironically, if you don’t want your cat to destroy your spider plant entirely, you should keep it protected from your cat.

As a cat owner, you can grow these cat-friendly plants at home to keep your feline friend safe and happy. Keep the mother plant out of reach, but plant a few more specimens in different spots for your feline.

The best part is you don’t need to buy new plants every time; it’s super easy to propagate spider plants.

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