8 Plants that Look Like Marijuana

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Have you ever seen Plants that Look Like Marijuana? This list will make sure you don’t end up confusing other specimens with cannabis!

It is important to differentiate the plants that look like marijuana from the real ones for obvious reasons, right? So, if you don’t want to end up in trouble, this list will be your guiding light!

Plants that Look Like Marijuana

1. Japanese Maple

 Plants that Look Like Marijuana

Botanical Name: Acer palmatum

Look at the above image and you’ll be shocked to see the similarity. The only thing that makes this plant that look like marijuana stand out with an obvious difference is its towering height.

2. Southern Cone Marigold

Botanical Name: Tagetes minuta

The Southern marigold, also popular as Muster-John-Henry, shares the resemblance only when it is at its seedling stage. Once mature, the difference is night and day.

3. Chaste Tree

 Plants that Look Like Marijuana 2

Botanical Name: Vitex agnus-castus

The Chaste Tree’s leaves can make anyone confuse but the purple flowers will come to the rescue. Its foliage also gives out a pleasant scent when crushed, so that’s another way to tell the difference!

4. Kenaf


Botanical Name: Hibiscus cannabinus

The leaves of this plant are more elongated but to an untrained eye, the resemblance can be quite striking! Once it flowers, a newbie can differ it out easily.

5. Texas Star Hibiscus

 Plants that Look Like Marijuana 6

Botanical Name: Hibiscus coccineus

Now this one, with its weed like leaves, looks quite similar but the toothed margins of the foliage is a giveaway.

6. Spider Flower


Botanical Name: Cleome hassleriana

This wild plant is native to America and the five leaves have a similar look to that of a weed, albeit its foliage is more rounded and thick.

7. Coral Plant

Plants that Look Like Marijuana 9

Botanical Name: Jatropha multifida

The cannabis has 5 lobes and this one has seven to eleven of them, so you can easily differ this one out. However, at a first glance, from a distance, it can be quite hard to differentiate!

8. Sweetfern

Botanical Name: Comptonia peregrina

Last on the list of plants that look like marijuana, the segmented foliage of this variety of fern is way too much jagged, which is a clear giveaway, but to a newbie, this can create a confusion for sure! It also emits a distinct fragrance when crushed.

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