17 Proven Plants That Improve Memory and Concentration

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Check out these amazing Plants that Improve Memory and Concentration! Use them to keep your brain healthy and enhance cognitive functioning.

Discover Proven Plants That Improve Memory & Concentration with us, and learn about plants for brain health and natural remedies that can boost your brainpower and help you stay focused.

Proven Plants That Improve Memory & Concentration

1. Huperzia

plants that improve memory 1

Huperzine-A is a compound that is usually derived from the extracts of Huperzia serrata, also known as firmoss. The compound Huperzine A affects the neurotransmitters and, in turn, promotes healthy growth of the brain.

How it helps: These plants help with Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Read more about it here!

2. Beans

best plants that improve memory

Choline is a nutrient present in most types of beans. It boosts the healthy metabolism and fosters the creation of neurotransmitters in the brain. You can steam the beans and eat them with a pinch of salt for maximum benefit.

How it helps: Choline in beans prevents the decline of the cognition actions of the mind. Already, beans are one of the richest vegan protein sources; it’s worth adding them to your regular diet.

3. Ginkgo Biloba

Proven Plants That Improve Memory

Ginkgo biloba has been used for many cognitive benefits since time immemorial. Furthermore, this powerful medicinal herb may regenerate and heal the brain cells, promoting attention, memory, and intelligence.

How it helps: Besides improving mental health, Ginkgo Biloba has many other health benefits, too. However, be careful while using this herb if you’re on certain medications. Get help from here if you would like to grow a ginkgo biloba tree in your garden.

4. Kale

Proven Plants That Improve Memory and Concentration

Having the highest densities of nutrients, kale is a great natural source to maintain good mental health. These plants have the presence of a plant pigment known as Lutein, which enhances learning and memory power.

How it helps: It consists of the well-known brain-supporting fatty acid–Omega-3. There are numerous ways to consume kale. You can add it to your salads or prepare different recipes with it.

5. Rosemary

best Proven Plants That Improve Memory and Concentration

You can’t skip rosemary as this herb has long been used for aromatherapy as a memory booster, especially in the form of essential oil. Rosemary essential oil is known to promote memory retention, concentration, and efficiency in mental tasks.

How it helps: You can find a lot of ways to eat rosemary in your everyday food. Also, don’t forget to read the results of this clinical trial here. When taken by mouth, it proves to be an excellent antioxidant for fighting against free radicals.

6. Thyme

Verified Plants That Enhance Focus and Memory

These popular herbs often increase the level of antioxidants and some healthy fats like Omega-3 in your brain. However, not much is known about the relation between thyme and memory, but researchers believe these plants that improve memory have some rare positive effects on your brain cells.

How it helps: It is rich in luteolin, which is a flavonoid with antioxidant properties. You can add these memory booster herbs to your recipes or make thyme tea.

7. Peppermint

Verified Plants That Enhance Focus

Peppermint has multiple health benefits; it improves your learning abilities and creative mind. The smell of this herb has proved its powers to have positive effects on cognition and mood in much scientific research.

How it helps: Researchers often claim that infusing your room with the fragrance of peppermint oil can induce a high level of energy while increasing your alertness and memory function. It is an easy-to-grow herb and has many culinary uses.

8. Bacopa Monnieri

Verified Plants That Enhance Focus and Memory

Bacopa Monnieri is an Ayurvedic herb, which is also known as Brahmi. It lowers inflammation and reduces beta-amyloid in the brain and can also help people with Alzheimer’s or anxiety issues. It’s a great source to maintain a mind free of stress and anxiety, thereby increasing your mental health.

How it helps: You can consume this herb in the form of a tonic liquid or combine it with your dishes. Check out this study for validation.

9. Ashwagandha

beautiful Verified Plants That Enhance Focus and Memory

Ashwagandha is commonly used to treat nervous exhaustion and prevent the depletion of brain cells.

How it helps: This traditional Ayurvedic medicine helps you to establish mental clarity and enhance cognitive performance. Besides this, it also boosts the immune system and reproductive functioning. Learn how to grow it here.

10. Sweet Flag (Vacha)

amazing Verified Plants That Enhance Focus and Memory

Vacha is a medicinal herb commonly used to help people with nervous system disorders. It has a powerful impact on people with low mood.

How it helps: It possibly helps to detoxify the brain and improve its functioning, which further aids in mental concentration and remembrance power.

11. Gotu Kola

Verified Plants That Enhance Focus

Asian Pennywort, also known as Gotu kola, comes from parts of India; interestingly, it is called Brahmi as well. However, this article chalks everything out.

How it helps: It considerably enhances blood circulation in the mind. Being an adaptogen, it can lower the stress level, which results in improved memory. Learn more about it here. Also, read this medicinal article for evidence.

12. Reishi Mushroom

Plants That Have Been Proven to Enhance Memory and Focus

Reishi Mushroom, being a medicinal plant, helps you with many health complications. One of which is anxiety and depression. Stress and anxiety tend to disturb the normal functioning of the brain, making it difficult to think clearly and memorize. While reishi can’t directly strike these issues, it may ease down some of the symptoms.

How it helps: You can take Reishi mushroom supplements in any form, solid or liquid! Check out this Michigan University article to learn about this famous Japanese fungus.

13. Holy Basil

Plants That Have Been Proven to Enhance Memory

Holy Basil or tulsi increases the supply of oxygen in the mind and improves blood circulation. These plants can also be used to cure depression and overall cognitive functioning. You can either take it raw with some amount of water, add it to your salads or other dishes, or make a basil tea.

How it helps: Basil helps improve memory by containing compounds like eugenol, which may enhance cognitive function and protect against age-related memory decline.

14. Ginseng

beautiful Plants That Have Been Proven to Enhance Memory and Focus

Ginseng can improve overall mental health by increasing vitality. Researchers state that it activates neurotransmitter activities and, therefore, boosts memory.

How it helps: It prevents the brain cells from toxins and maintains better functioning within the body and the brain. Learn how to grow ginseng in your garden here.

15. Periwinkle

plants that improve memory

Periwinkle improves blood and oxygen circulation in your brain to allow your mind to perform well. It has vincamine, which is a common ingredient these days in medications for Alzheimer’s and Dementia. It’s a powerful striking agent against free radicals and prevents possible damage to the blood vessels.

How it helps: By supplying more nutrients to the brain, periwinkle can help the brain to function well towards storing and memorizing things. Both the periwinkles (Vinca minor and Vinca major) are used for medicinal purposes. Learn how to use it here.

16. Blueberries

Reliable Plants to Boost Concentration and Memory

The compounds present in blueberries can improve decision-making power, verbal comprehension, memory, and reasoning ability. Regular consumption of blueberries can protect a person from getting affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia.

How it helps: According to this research, drinking blueberry juice can improve brain function in older people.

17. Yerba Maté

best plants that improve memory

Yerba Mate is a shrub that most people use to ease depression and enhance concentration. Also, these plants have shown positive impacts on short-term memory problems.

How it helps: Consuming it as tea can also help with mindful relaxation and improved learning abilities.

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  1. Great article! I loooove peppermint. Anyone interested in this stuff should definitely check out the book Everyday Roots. It teaches you how to replace all the toxic chemicals in your life with healthy organic alternatives. Its completely changed my life and how I feel everyday! :)

    Keep up the great content!


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