Important Things To Do Before Bringing New Plants Indoors

Ralph Astley is a retired gardener from Philadelphia who specializes in outdoor plants and trees. With years of hands-on experience, Ralph not only cares for a diverse range of outdoor flora but also shares his extensive knowledge through well-written articles and social media posts. A trusted authority in arboriculture, he's committed to helping the community grow healthier, more robust gardens.
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Here are some Important Things To Do Before Bringing New Plants Indoors to ensure they remain disease-free and healthy for a long time to come!

Image Credit: Apartment Therapy

Buying houseplants from a garden center or online can be an exciting experience, but at the same time, you need to make sure of certain points to keep them healthy for a long time to come. And this is why we have made this checklist of Important Things To Do Before Bringing New Plants Indoors.

When Purchasing New Indoor Plants

Keep these points in your mind before selecting and buying plants:

  • Condition: If you notice pale-green, yellow, dry, or wilting foliage, then it’s evident that the plant is not in good health. Look for a plant with lush green foliage, robust shape, and healthy full growth.
  • Look for New Stock: Broken or faded pots and dull foliage indicate that the plant is from old stock or might be kept in the nursery for a really long time and found no takers. It’s better to avoid such plants and always ask for the ones growing at optimum conditions.
  • Observe the Roots: If you notice roots coming out from the drainage holes, white stuff on roots, or dead roots–Avoid such plants!
  • Protection: If your plants were kept in a greenhouse or the weather is extreme, it’ll be best to wrap the plants with a bubblewrap before taking them out of the garden center. This will protect the plants from sudden changes in the atmosphere.

Important Things To Do Before Bringing New Plants Indoors

How to Debug Plants Before Bringing Them Indoors 2

Plants in nurseries are kept in different growing conditions, but when you bring them home, you’ll be exposing them to an entirely new atmosphere. It can be challenging for some sensitive plants, and that’s why it is very important for you to follow these tips. 

  • Plants start to thrive once they get familiar with their surroundings, which is why it’s important to acclimate them before bringing them indoors.
  • Don’t re-pot your houseplants immediately after bringing them home to avoid transplanting shock. Let them get used to the new place for 3-5 days and then re-pot.
  • Using a soft damp cloth, clean the foliage and stems to get rid of any dirt, mud, or debris on the leaves.
  • Look out for any rotting part. Snip it away so that it doesn’t spread and kill the plant in the process.
  • Examine closely that the plant is not infested with pests or diseases. Always remove the dead and infected leaves.
  • Debugging and cleaning is also an important step. Spray an insecticide on the leaves, especially the undersides, by diluting it with water before bringing the new plants indoors.
  • Finding a spot in your home with an appropriate amount of light and stable surroundings is essential. Because fluctuating temperatures can shock the plants, and they may not be able to develop properly and may also die.
  • Keep them away from spots near the air vents, also, make sure the leaves are not touching the windowpane–In cold climates, the freezing glass can damage the plants, whereas, in a hot climate, the pane may intensify the sun, which leads to scorched leaves.
  • Don’t fertilize your indoor plants immediately after bringing them home. Wait until they perk up and start growing.

Learn about things you do that kill indoor plants

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