How to Keep Squirrels Out of Potted Plants

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Cute but a gardening hazard, these furry rodents can ruin your favorite plants in no time. So, here’s How to Keep Squirrels Out of Potted Plants!

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Potted Plants

Squirrels and chipmunks won’t just irritate you by knocking over plants and pots; these adorable mini monsters cause immense damage by digging up bulbs and burying nuts and seeds in pots. But we have just the right tricks to help you keep squirrels out of potted plants without harming them!

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Potted Plants

1. Grow Flowers that Squirrels DislikeGrow Flowers That Squirrels Dislike


The first one’s always the most straightforward! Grow flowers that repel squirrels. Nasturtiums, daffodils, ornamental onions, and marigolds emit a scent that squirrels abhor, making them natural and beautiful repellents.

2. Use Reflective ObjectsGrow Flowers That Squirrels Dislike

If you’ve ever been to the countryside, you may see farmers using reflective objects to keep birds away from their crops. Do the same to keep squirrels away from your potted plants!

Reflections, shadows, and lights remind squirrels that a predator may be lurking about, tricking them to stay away. Use objects like pinwheels, spinners, CDs, and mirrors. You can even spice up your garden with pretty mosaic pots made of CDs or broken mirror pieces to repel squirrels!

3. Add Coffee Grounds To Your Soil

Add Coffee Grounds To Your Soil

The coffee you love can emit a strong aroma that squirrels hate. Instead of discarding your leftover coffee grounds, sprinkle them around the base of your potted plant.

This simple trick will keep squirrels away from the treated plant. Leftover coffee grounds are also a good fertilizer for plants. They provide essential nutrients like nitrogen and potassium to develop healthy plants and also improve soil quality. Here’s a complete guide on using coffee grounds on plants.

4. DIY Essential Oil Repellent

DIY Essential Oil Repellent

If you have the time, a homemade oil repellent is an easy and affordable way to drive out squirrels. You’ll need four cups of water, one ounce of hot sauce, dish soap, and a spray bottle.

Once you have these things ready, follow this DIY recipe to make a spray that will send squirrels fleeing from your lovely potted plants. Make sure not to spray it directly on the plants but around them and on the pot.

5. Bone Meal

Bone meal Squirrels Out of Potted Plants

Bone meal has a strong odor that helps keep squirrels away from plants. It’s also an excellent fertilizer with micronutrients that nourish the soil, including magnesium and zinc.

However, adding bone meal can be toxic to pets as it causes stomach issues, so consider avoiding this method if you have a dog or cat. Our guide shows you how to use bone meal on plants as well.

6. Create a Barrier

Create a Barrier Squirrels Out of Potted Plants

Understand your enemy’s psyche! Squirrels dig up your pots to store their secret stash of seeds and nuts. Make your pots hard to access by building barriers with chicken wires or netting across the soil surface. Even a layer of stones or thick mulch may do the trick, but ensure you don’t suffocate the soil and plant.

Use this trick on plants that grow well in the shade, as too much sun can heat pebbles quickly and harm plants kept in direct light.

7. Use Human Hair or Pet FurUse Human Hair or Pet Fur

Another surprising way to keep squirrels out of your potted plants is with hair and fur. Squirrels relate the scent of humans or other animals to potential predators. Collect hair from your hairbrush or fur from your pets and spread it over the soil in your pots. It’s as simple as that.

Reapply after watering or rain to maintain its efficiency.

8. Use Urine as a Repellent

Use Urine as a Repellent

Sounds smelly, but nothing is off the table if it works! Use either human or animal urine to repel squirrels from your potted plants. Again, this method reminds them of predators. Remember to dilute it with water before sprinkling it around your plants but not directly on them, and please use it conservatively.

Else, you’ll surely be stinking up your garden and home, much to the discomfort of both squirrel, neighbors, and you!

And there you have it. You can use these easy methods to keep squirrels out of potted plants. Let us know your experience in the comments.

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