18 Best Hanging Flowers for Balconies and Patios

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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These hanging balcony flowers make the best use of the available vertical space, making them an excellent choice for small apartment balcony gardens!

For all those apartment dwellers, these hanging balcony flowers will add a fresh air of color while taking up absolutely zero floor space—a win for all!

Hanging Balcony Flowers

1. Moss Rose

Moss Rose Hanging Balcony Flowers

Botanical Name: Portulaca oleracea

Popularly known as the moss rose, purslane, and Mexican rose, it is a great pick for sunny balconies and warm weather! It is drought tolerant, too, so don’t worry if you forget to water it sometimes.

2. Begonia

Botanical Name: Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum

Begonias have waxy, fragrant flowers that bloom in various shades. They are ideal for areas where they can bask in the right mix of sun and shade, so if your balcony receives part sun, grow this one in hanging baskets.

3. Petunia

Botanical Name: Petunia × atkinsiana

These summer flowers are known for continuos blooms, robust growth, and trailing habits. Petunias require regular deadheading to display its charm on your balcony.

4. Fuchsia

Botanical Name: Fuchsia

Fuchsia has a spreading habit, and varieties like ‘Cecile,’ ‘Claudia,’ and ‘Dark Eyes’ are perfect for hanging on balconies.

5. Verbena

Botanical Name: Verbena officinalis

Verbena is one of the best-trailing balcony plants as long as you can provide it with ample sunlight and airflow. Keep the growing medium a little moist.

6. Lobelia

Botanical Name: Lobelia

Lobelia is a slow-growing ground cover, or call it a low-growing shrub. If your balcony has white or beige walls, it will stand out perfect because of its blue flowers. It looks great in window boxes, too! Keep in mind, it needs 4-5 hours of sunlight daily.

7. Impatiens

Impatiens Hanging Balcony Flowers

Botanical Name: Impatiens

There are not many options for those in North or East facing balconies, but Impatiens is there to grow well in the shade!

You can hang these flowers anywhere–on balconies, decks, or mailbox posts and it come in many colors, including pink, red, yellow, and purple.

8. Lantana


Botanical Name: Lantana camara

Lantanas are famous for their cluster of small blooms that change color in the flowering phase, not only that this plant is pest repellent as well. They make an eye-catching addition to sunny balconies and flower year round in frost free climates.

9. Black Eyed Susan Vine

Botanical Name: Thunbergia alata

Black-Eyed Susan vine has yellow flowers with dark centers that will surely bring a lively, sunny vibe to your balcony. It’s easy to maintain, too!

10. African Daisies

Botanical Name: Osteospermum

African daisies are perfect for spilling over the edges of the railings or hanging baskets. Mix them with other perennials or annuals for a colorful display.

11. Sweet Alyssum

Botanical Name: Lobularia maritima

This plant is tolerant to heat and drought and showcases tiny, delicate flowers. It is perfect for hanging pots or growing on your apartment’s balcony.

12. Pansy

Pansy Hanging Balcony Flowers

Botanical Name: Viola tricolor var. hortensis

Pansies, with their unique face-like petals, thrive in cool climates (require 4-5 hours of sun), making them a hassle-free addition to hanging balconies.

13. Twinspur


Botanical Name: Diascia

This trailing plant dribbles over the edge of containers beautifully. Whether in railing planters or hanging baskets, it will look great in any setting!

14. Geranium

Botanical Name: Pelargonium

Geraniums, with their lobed green leaves and colorful flowers, are great for balconies. For the best blooms, ensure they get plenty of direct sunlight all day long.

15. Million Bells



Botanical Name: Calibrachoa

Grow it in a large basket, and it will soon fill it up to the brim with flowers! Million bells are perfect for growing in summer in window boxes.

16. NasturtiumNasturtium Hanging Balcony Flowers

Botanical Name: Tropaeolum majus

Nasturtium has colorful and mildly fragrant blooms that grow on its trailing vines. It is also edible, so you will have a fresh supply of leaves and flowers for your salads.

17. Bougainvillea

Botanical Name: Bougainvillea

If you live in a Mediterranean climate, plant this on a sunny balcony and watch it spill over the railing and all over the wall! This will never fail to amaze you with its sprawling growth habit and colors!

18. Trailing Snapdragon

Trailing Snapdragon


Botanical Name: Antirrhinum asarina

Put these on a balcony, and everyone will be envious of the cascading floral display. Trailing snapdragons are actually bred to spread and trail.

Which one of these are you going to try growing first? Do share your thoughts in the comments below!

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