10 Flowers That Look Like Feathers

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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We’ve got many lovely Flowers That Look Like Feathers that you can plant to add a delicate appeal and subtle colors!

If you’re tired of the usual roses and daisies and want to turn your outdoor space into something unique, pick some of these flowers that look like feathers.

Flowers That Look Like Feathers

1. Astilbe

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Scientific Name: Astilbe spp.

Astilbes are beautiful perennials with feathery, plume-like flower clusters. Aren’t they pretty? And the best part? You’ll find them in red, pink, and white.

2. Foxtail Lily

Scientific Name: Eremurus

Foxtail Lilies are originally native to Central Asia but are easily available throughout the US. The towering spikes of these flowers that look like feathers are simply gorgeous!

3. Cockscomb

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Scientific Name: Celosia argentea

Cockscomb flowers really do look like lush, spiky feathers–making them popular choices for cut flowers and for containers. And who can ignore their fiery red/orange/pink plumes?

4. Bottlebrush

Scientific Name: Callistemon spp.

Bottlebrush flowers are bright red or a mellow yellow shade. They’re cylindrical in shape and covered in thin, feathery spikes ending in white.

5. Fountain Grass

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Scientific Name: Pennisetum spp.

What graceful arching plumes! Fountain grass is actually an ornamental grass and is perfect for that soft, delicate texture.

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6. Pampas Grass

Scientific Name: Cortaderia selloana

Pampas grass comes from South America and has soft, grass-like foliage with slender stems and pretty, feathery flowers. The fluffy plumes can be pink, orange, fuchsia, and yellow.

7. Millet

Scientific Name: Pennisetum glaucum

Millet is primarily a cereal crop, but you can grow certain varieties that have feathery spikes. Pearl Millet is a good choice.

8. Goat’s Beard

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Scientific Name: Aruncus dioicus

Don’t be misled by the name; Goat’s Beard has lovely feather flowers in a creamy white color that can uplift any garden.

9. Feather Reed Grass

Scientific Name: Calamagrostis x acutiflora

This ornamental grass is worthy of any pretty garden because of its slender and upright growth and the lovely texture it brings with its feather-like flowers.

10. Maiden Grass

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Scientific Name: Miscanthus sinensis

If you aren’t growing Maiden Grass, then what’s the point of getting flowers that look like feathers? It just speaks for itself–just look at the image!

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