20 Flowers for Graves and Cemeteries

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Looking to offer blooms to your loved and departed ones? These flowers for graves are the best choice.

When choosing flowers for graves, it’s important to consider their symbolism so that you can convey the right wishes to the lost soul.

Flowers for Graves

1. Roses

Flowers on the tomb in the public cemetery

Roses stand for love and come in various colors, each describing a different meaning. Red represents love and white showcases purity—two colors that you can offer in cemeteries.

2. Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums Flowers for Graves

In East Asian countries such as Japan and China, chrysanthemums represent death and grief, making them traditional flowers for graves. These popular flowers come in a range of colors like white, red, and yellow, making them a respectful choice for a gravesite.

3. Orchids

Orchid Flowers for Graves

They signify eternal love and sympathy, and people give them to express a deep, lasting connection. These flowers come in a range of colors, from vibrant purples and pinks to subtle whites and greens.

4. Daisies

Daisy Flowers for Graves

Daisies indicate innocence and purity—people gift them to commemorate young or untimely losses. Their white petals and bright yellow centers make them popular for taking to the grave.

5. Forget-Me-Nots

Forget-Me-Not Flowers for Graves

Forget-Me-Nots represent true love and remembrance; their name itself signifies lasting memory. These tiny, delicate flowers are typically blue, creating an enduring connection with the departed souls.

6. Carnations

Carnation Flowers for Graves

Carnations convey remembrance and love, in Western cultures, especially in the United States and parts of Europe, with different colors holding distinct meanings. They are available in pink, white, and red colors.

7. Lilies

Lilies Flowers for Graves

These flowers represent peace and renewal, often linked to restoring innocence after death. They are a traditional flower for graves, and come in white, yellow, orange, and pink shades—white lilies often symbolize purity and virtue.

8. Iris

Flowers for Graves and Cemeteries in garden

Iris flowers represent hope and compliments, often associated with messages from the soul. These blooms come in various colors, including blues, purples, and yellows, making them a fitting choice for a graves.

9. PeoniesBest Flowers for Graves and Cemeteries

Peonies signify healing and represents a wish for peace in the afterlife. It has large, lush blooms with layers of soft petals in shades of pink, white, and deep burgundy.

10. SunflowersFlowers for Graves and Cemeteries in garden

Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty, and longevity, while exuding warmth and positivity—a good way of recalling the joyful moments shared with the departed.

11. Snapdragons

Snapdragons flowers for Graves

Linked with grace and strength, these flowers symbolize the deceased’s resilience or character. Snapdragons come in various colors, including vibrant reds, pinks, and yellows.

12. Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas flowers for Graves

Embodying heartfelt emotions, these are great flowers to express gratitude for being understood. These come in blue, pink and purple hue, so you can pick any color according to the mood.

13. Gladioli

Gladiolus flowers for Graves

It represents strength of character, moral integrity, and remembrance. They are a perfect tribute to someone who showed these qualities in their life.

14. Tulips

Tulip flowers for Graves

Tulips denote love of the greatest form, and come in almost every color, from deep purples to bright yellows. They’re a beautiful choice for expressing love and respect.

15. CamelliasAwesome Flowers for Graves and Cemeteries

Symbolism: They generally symbolize love, affection, and admiration.

Camellias are elegant and waxy, with blooms in various colors. They are suitable for honoring a departed friend or someone who significantly impacted your life.

16. Asters

They signify wisdom, valor, and faith, making them a thoughtful choice for memorializing a loved one. Asters come in shades of blue, purple, and different colors that convey different messages.

17. Gardenias

Gardenia Flowers for Graves

Representing purity and peace, these flowers are an apt pick to express deep, heartfelt emotions. Their fragrance and beauty can create a serene and heartfelt atmosphere as you pay your respects.

18. Violets

Violet Flowers for Graves

Violets are a symbol of faithfulness, representing enduring love and remembrance. These come in shades of purple, blue, and white, radiating a sense of modesty and charm.

19. Zinnias

Zinnia Flowers for Graves

Zinnias represent thoughts of absence, making them suitable for remembering a loved one. Gift them in pink or red to offer you respect and remembrance to their resting soul.

20. MarigoldsAmazing Flowers for Graves and Cemeteries 45

In Mexican culture, particularly during Día de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, marigolds are symbols of grief and mourning. They have bold and aromatic flowers in warm shades of yellow and orange, making them poignant for memorials.

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