21 Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Check out these top picks for the Best Colorful Hostas, featuring vibrant foliage in shades of yellow, green, blue, and more!

For those looking to add a splash of color to their outdoor space, do not miss these Best Colorful Hostas! They will surely add a vibrant appeal to your home!

Check out Hosta Container Ideas for Shade 

Best Colorful Hostas

1. Undulata Variegata

Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Undulata Variegata’

USDA Zones: 3a–8a

Typically, variegated hostas have green leaves with white or yellow margins. If white, light green, or yellow is in the center of the leaf, it is referred to as “medio variegated.”

2. Elegans

Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden 2

Botanical Name: Hosta sieboldiana ‘Elegans’

USDA Zones: 3a-8a

Its ample, heart-shaped leaves possess a glossy and intricately textured appearance, showcasing a color spectrum ranging from green to blue-green.

3. Blue Moon

Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden 3

Botanical Name: Hosta [Tardiana Group] ‘Blue Moon’

USDA Zones: 3a-8a

These varieties exhibit blue foliage. One such hosta, ‘Blue Moon,’ is a petite plant with heart-shaped leaves with a bluish-green tint.

4. Golden TiaraColorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden 4

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Golden Tiara’

USDA Zones: 3a-8a

Its wide heart-shaped leaves are adorned with irregular golden-yellow borders. During late summer, the plant produces funnel-shaped purple flowers.

5. Sum and Substance

Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden 5

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Sum and Substance’

USDA Zones: 3a-8a

Its noteworthy features include large, heart-shaped leaves in shades of yellow to golden, with a glossy texture and deep ridges.

6. Ground Sulphur

Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your pot

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Ground Sulpher’

USDA Zones: 3a-8a

This hybrid Hosta produces heart-shaped leaves that are sulfur-yellow in color, arranged in a flat, spreading mound. Lavender flowers bloom in the summer season.

7. Plantagenia

Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden 7

Botanical Name: Hosta plantaginea

USDA Zones: 3a-9a

Plantaginea forms a dense ground cover throughout the year, spreading up to 2-3 feet. Its heart-shaped leaves are medium-green in color and have a glossy appearance.

8. WhirlwindVibrant Hostas You Have to Plant in Your Yard

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Whirlwind’ (fortunei)

USDA Zones: 3-8

If you have a shady garden, this perennial would be an excellent addition. It has heart-shaped leaves that are slightly ruffled and come in either creamy white or lime green.

9. Crispula best Vibrant Hostas You Have to Plant in Your Yard

Botanical Name: Hosta gracillima Crispula

USDA Zones: 3-8

This Curled Hosta variety is an easy-to-maintain plant that produces dark green leaves with off-white borders. Its undulating leaves make it an excellent choice for ground cover.

Check out the best types of hostas 

10. Guacamole

lovely Vibrant Hostas You Have to Plant in Your Yard

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Guacamole’

USDA Zones: 3-8

This Hosta variety stands out for its exceptionally striking color. Its oval-shaped leaves are yellow-green, with gold streaks extending toward the center.

11. Blue AngelColorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your yard 11

Botanical Name: Hosta Blue Angel sieboldiana

USDA Zones: 3-8

The foliage of this Hosta variety is thick and heavily textured, giving it an impressive appearance. Its leaves have a blue-green color, which makes it stand out!

12. Geisha

Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Geisha’

USDA Zones: 3-9

Geisha is a Hosta variety that forms an erect mound with elongated leaves that create a striking appearance. The glossy foliage has a yellow tint with olive-green borders.

13. Blue Ivory

Vibrant Hostas You Have to Plant in Your Yard

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Blue Ivory’

USDA Zones: 3-9

The Blue Ivory Hosta boasts deep blue-green leaves with slightly yellowish edges that create a captivating and striking appearance.

14. Captain Kirk

Vibrant Hostas You Have to Plant in Your garden

Botanical Name: Hosta Captain Kirk

USDA Zones: 3-9

Captain Kirk is a Hosta variety that produces oval leaves. The leaves initially have a bright green color, gradually shifting to chartreuse, then yellow, and ultimately white.

15. Fire and Ice

Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden 16

Botanical Name: Hosta Fire and Ice

USDA Zones: 3-9

The Fire and Ice Hosta has oval leaves that are predominantly white, with green margins adorning each leaf. This plant is an excellent choice for small gardens or limited spaces.

16. Minute Man

top Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden 16

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Minute Man’

USDA Zones: 3a–9a

Considered a top-tier hosta with white margins, ‘Minute Man’ boasts large oval leaves that are slightly wavy at the edges and have a thick, coarse texture.

17. Patriot

lovely Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden 17

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Patriot’

USDA Zones: 3a-8a

‘Patriot’ is another exceptional variegated hosta that blooms with lavender flowers, albeit slightly later than ‘Undulata Variegata.’

18. Orange Marmalade

Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden 18

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Orange Marmalade’

It is a semi-evergreen perennial that grows in a clump of medium-sized, cupped, heart-shaped leaves that are yellowish-green and have a streak of deep orange down the center.

19. Canadian Blue

Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden 19

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Canadian Blue’

It is a mound-forming perennial with blue-green foliage. The leaves are thick and slightly wavy, with a nearly white center. It grows well in shade or partial shade.

20. Color Festival

Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden 20

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘Color Festival’

This colorful hosta variety has large, oval-shaped green leaves with yellow margins that have deep purple centers. It prefers partial to full shade and moist, well-draining soil.

21. June

Colorful Hostas You Must Plant in Your Garden 21

Botanical Name: Hosta ‘June’

The plant has heart-like and dark green leaves with yellow edges. It grows best in partial shade and moist, well-draining soil.

Read about Types of Hostas 

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