13 Christmas Cactus Facts You Didn’t Know

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Here’s a dose of little-known facts about the Christmas Cactus before you gift them to your loved ones this holiday season!

Christmas Cactus Facts You Didn’t Know 1

Before this gorgeous celebratory staple crowds supermarkets and nurseries in anticipation of the holidays, let’s give you a low-down on all that’s special about the Christmas cactus and uncover the secrets that give it so much character!

What is a Christmas Cactus

Christmas cactus is a beloved houseplant native to the coastal mountains of southeastern Brazil. It contains many beautiful varieties and is a close cousin to the Thanksgiving and Easter cactus.

The word “cactus” in its name instantly evokes images of harsh, hot deserts. But this plant actually thrives in cool climes and needs chill time to produce its pink, red, and white tubular blooms.

Even when not in bloom, its long, serrated, cascading segments stay robust throughout the year, making it an evergreen addition to your live decor. It’s a slow grower, preferring bright, indirect light, and cannot tolerate direct, harsh sun.

Christmas Cactus Facts

1. Epiphytic Superpowers

Christmas cacti grow naturally as epiphytes, meaning they grow on other plants and absorb nutrients and moisture directly from rain and air. Their stems can also store water and moisture.

This ability lets them thrive in elevated locations. They can easily grow over plants without harming them.

2. They Grow on Rocks Too

Christmas Cactus Facts You Didn’t Know 2

These highly adaptable plants are lithophytes, which can grow on rocks or spaces with little soil. You read that right! Their root system can hold onto small organic matter, enabling them to thrive on cliffs and crevices while absorbing nutrients from rainwater and air.

3. Roots Like Orchids

Although not genetically related to orchids, Christmas cacti have similar growing habits. They prefer humid conditions and, like orchids, develop aerial roots that can absorb moisture and nutrients from the air. 

Also, there are actually different types of these cacti. But how can you tell them apart? Easy! The Christmas cactus has scalloped edges.

4. Named After A Frenchman

Christmas cactus belongs to the Schlumbergera genus, named after Frederic Schlumberger, a French horticulturist from the 19th century. He had a remarkable cacti collection near Rouen, France. The genus was thus named in 1858 to honor his contributions to cacti cultivation.

5. Beyond Pink, Red, and White

Christmas Cactus Facts You Didn’t Know 3

Most images of this popular holiday flower are typically red and pink. And sometimes purple, orange, and white. However, the Christmas cactus has cultivars that produce incredible bicolor blooms featuring petals with different hues.

Varieties like the Golden Charm even bloom in yellow thanks to careful and nuanced breeding.

6. Zygomorphic Perfection

These flowers have bilateral symmetry. If you cut them in half from the center, the two parts will be each other’s mirror images. These zygomorphic flowers resemble an S symbol from their sides.

Its nectar-filled, uniquely designed blooms attract hummingbirds!

7. Surprise Blooms

As the name suggests, it’s natural to expect the Christmas cactus to bloom during Christmas and New Year. Although it does flower in winter, some varieties have different blooming periods.

For instance, in its native habitat of Brazil, they are known as Flor de Maio, which translates to May flower, to indicate the month when it blooms! Temperature, light, and seasonal changes can also affect flowering in the Christmas cactus.

8. Safe Succulent for Home

unknown facts about christmas cactus 1

While some succulents are known to be harmful to pets, the Christmas cactus is safe for you and your furry babies! So you can relax if they accidentally nibble on a segment or two!

Its beautiful foliage and no-risk factor make it an excellent choice for indoor decoration.

9. Nighttime CO2 Absorption

Bet you didn’t know this Christmas Cactus fact! Keep one in your bedroom for better sleep, as the Christmas cactus is one of the few plants that absorb CO2 at night. This succulent can improve indoor air quality through crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM).

Unlike traditional plants, it takes in carbon dioxide at night.

10. And Cleans Your Air

It also purifies the air. This plant removes pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, and toluene by phytoremediation. It consumes these volatile organic compounds through its leaves and roots.

Once absorbed, the plant’s metabolism breaks them into less harmful compounds.

11. Live for Decades

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With proper care, this plant may even outlive you! Some specimens have been known to survive for over 145 years! These hardy succulents can continue to produce beautiful flowers year after year, providing a constant source of joy and holiday cheer.

To ensure your Christmas cactus lives a long and healthy life, give it bright, indirect light, consistent watering, and well-draining soil.

12. The Photoperiod Effect

Did you know that Christmas cacti are actually tricksters when it comes to blooming? They’re all about the drama of shorter days (14-16 hours of nighttime).

When the days get shorter and the nights get longer, buds start to grow and eventually burst into beautiful flowers, just in time for the holidays. Pretty cool, right? This effect is known as photoperiodism, and you can also do this artificially to make your Christmas cactus bloom.

13. Loves Humidity

plants Loves Humidity

Even though it’s called a cactus, it doesn’t like the same dry, hot conditions that most cacti do.

Instead, the Christmas cactus prefers a more humid environment, like a tropical rainforest. Give these a humidity of about 50-60%, and you’ll be surprised by their growth.

Incredible, right? How many of these facts did you already know? Do let us know in the comments below if you think we missed any interesting Christmas cactus facts!

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