18 Best Yellow Hummingbird Plants You Can Grow to Attract Them

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Get ready to impress your friends with buzzing birds. Discover the Best Yellow Hummingbird Plants to attract winged wonders to your garden.

Explore the Best Yellow Hummingbird Plants. These lively and beautiful blooms not only add beauty to your garden but also attract delightful hummingbirds. Discover the top picks for yellow plants that will turn your outdoor space into a haven for these charming and colorful feathered friends.

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Hummingbird Profile

Hummingbirds are tiny, colorful birds famous for their ability to hover in the air. They have bright feathers and feed on flower nectar using long, needle-like beaks. Hummingbirds are important pollinators, transferring pollen from one flower to another as they drink nectar. With their rapid wing beats, they produce a humming sound.

These energetic and charming birds play a vital role in nature by helping plants reproduce and adding beauty to the world with their energetic presence.

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Best Yellow Hummingbird Plants

1. Sunflower

Yellow Hummingbird Plants

Botanical Name: Helianthus

Attention all green thumbs and hummingbird admirers! Get ready to shine with the sunflowers, nature’s ray of sunshine.

These tall and proud beauties are a magnet for all pollinators, but hummingbirds hold a special place in their hearts (and beaks!) for the bounty of nectar-rich tubular flowers that make up their dark centers.

With 52 species native to North America, sunflowers are a gift that keeps on giving.

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2. Honeysuckle

honeysuckle yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Lonicera

The sweetest deal in Town! Why settle for just any old flowering shrub when you can have a non-invasive native honeysuckle that’s worth its weight in nectar?

These beauties are available in zones 3-9, reaching heights of 15-30 feet, and they’ll bring a smile to your face from spring to summer with their vibrant blooms.

Hummingbirds will flock to your garden for a sip of their sweet, tubular orange, red, and yellow flowers.

3. Hollyhocks

hollyhocks yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Alcea rosea

Hollyhocks are the epitome of summertime romance in a garden. With their towering stature, reaching heights of 8-9 feet, and their elegant, multi-petaled flowers that bloom from the bottom up, hollyhocks bring a touch of vintage charm to any space.

These perennials or biennials are a favorite of hummingbirds, who flock to their single-flowering varieties. Lavender, white, pink, red, and yellow – all guaranteed to make your heart flutter with joy!

4. Rhododendron

rhododendron yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Rhododendron species

Rhododendrons – they’re the belle of the ball in Washington state, and the hummingbirds know it! These woody shrubs are all dressed up, with delicate bell-shaped flowers and thick, leathery leaves that are always in style.

Just make sure you give them the royal treatment they deserve – a sunny location and not too hot or too cold temperatures. And with their pink, purple, red, yellow, and white blooms, you will have a humming good time!

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5. Red Hot Poker

red hot poker yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Kniphofia

Fire up your garden with the Red Hot Poker! This flamboyant flower, also known as the torch lily, adds a touch of heat with its towering red, orange, and yellow blooms.

The nectar-rich bottle-brush flowers will have hummingbirds flocking to your yard all summer long. Recommended for zones 5-9, it’s time to get your flame on!

6. Flowering Tobacco

flowering tobacoo yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Nicotiana

Flowering Tobacco – the plant that says, “let’s party!” Just like its relative, the nicotine-laced leaf, this annual (or sometimes perennial) will have you feeling pretty good with its evening-blooming flowers that release a delightful fragrance.

The best part? No pesky side effects like its nicotine cousin. So go ahead and indulge in its yellow-green, white, pink, red, and yellow blooms.

7. Snapdragon

snapdragon yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Antirrhinum majus

Step right up and see the magic of the snapdragon! These fun and quirky flowers have delighted kids and gardeners for years with their “snap” when pinched in the right spot.

With blooms that open in stages from the bottom up, you’ll be able to enjoy the show for weeks on end.

8. Lantana

lantana yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Lantana

Bring the tropical heat to your garden with the Lantana! This broadleaf evergreen shrub, a true sun-worshipper, will have you feeling like you’re on a permanent vacation.

In USDA zones 8-10, Lantanas can thrive year-round, but for those in cooler climates, they’ll still put on a show as an annual, blooming from spring to fall in a rainbow of colors, including yellow, orange, pink, and purple.

9. Foxglove

foxglove yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Digitalis purpurea

Get ready to reach for the sky with the Foxglove! This striking biennial adds some height to your garden, growing up to 5-6 feet tall and spilling its tubular bell-shaped blooms down its leggy stalk.

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10. Crocosmia

crocosmia yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Crocosmia

Light up your late-summer garden with the Crocosmia! This clump-forming bulb is a beacon for hummingbirds, with its sunset shades of reds, oranges, and yellows.

The funnel-shaped blooms will add a pop of color to your yard and attract those feathered friends.

11. Million Bells

million bells yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Calibrachoa

Say hello to the low-maintenance, high-impact Million Bells! This dynamic little plant packs a punch with its vibrant colors, rivaling that of its larger cousin, the petunia.

With both single and double blooms available in every color of the rainbow, they will add a bold pop of color to your garden.

12. Trumpet Vine

trumpet vine yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Campsis radicans

Blow your garden’s trumpet with the Trumpet Vine! This lively and vigorous vine is sure to draw the attention of all your feathered friends with its explosive display of bright orange blooms from summer through fall.

Native to eastern North America, the Trumpet Vine grows quickly and will need sturdy support, such as an arbor, trellis, or fence.

13. Zinnia

zinnia yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name:  Zinnia elegans

Add a splash of vibrant color to your garden with Zinnias! These flamboyant flowers are grown annually and come in various colors that are sure to brighten up any garden.

With blooms that range from 0.5-4 feet tall, zinnias provide a stunning display of petals in shades of pink, purple, red, orange, yellow, white, and green from early summer to the first frost.

14. Daylilies

daylilies yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Hemerocallis

Hemerocallis, commonly known as daylilies, is a fantastic yellow hummingbird plant. It not only adds a splash of color to your garden but also performs as a favorite landing spot for hummingbirds.

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15. Yellow Bells

yellow bells Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Tecoma stans

Yellow Bells is a wonderful addition to your garden if you want to attract hummingbirds. Its bright yellow, bell-shaped flowers create an inviting atmosphere for these charming birds.

16. Lupine

lupine yellow Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Lupinus x hybrid

Yellow Lupinus x hybrid is a fantastic choice to lure hummingbirds into your garden. The sunny yellow flowers not only add a pop of color but also serve as a delightful haven for these tiny, energetic birds.

17. Salvia

yellow salvia Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis

Its bright yellow blossoms make it a favorite for these charming birds, adding a dynamic touch to your garden while creating a welcoming space for the delightful fluttering visitors.

18. Fuchsia

yellow fuchsia Plants to attract hummingbird

Botanical Name: Fuchsia sp.

The fuchsia has small, hanging blooms in pink, purple, red, yellow, or orange that will make you and your hummingbird friends feel really special. These pretty flowers like shady spots and soil that stays damp, but it’s worth it. When you see those soft petals moving in the breeze, you’ll be happy you took care of them.

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