24 Best Trailing Succulents For Hanging Baskets

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If you are looking for the Best Trailing Succulents For Hanging Baskets then this list is all you ever need! We have the best ones!

Annuals, ferns, and some perennial foliage plants are not the only option to grow in baskets and window boxes. Here are the Best Trailing Succulents For Hanging Baskets you must try! Not just in containers, these trailing succulents will also look great in your garden.

Have a look at the best trailing foliage plants here

Best Trailing Succulents For Hanging Baskets

1. Climbing Aloe

Best Trailing Succulents For Hanging Baskets

Botanical Name: Aloiampelos ciliaris

Climbing Aloe is an excellent choice; not only are they easy to grow, but they also produce a range of colorful flowers.

Find out the best Aloe varieties here

2. Burro’s Tail

top Best Trailing Succulents For Hanging Baskets

Botanical Name: Sedum morganianum

Also known as the donkey’s tail, you can propagate and grow it easily. The trailing foliage of this hanging succulent grows about 2-3 feet long.

3. Trailing Jade

Trailing Succulents For Hanging Baskets

Botanical Name: Senecio jacobsenii

Ovate leaves on thick succulent stems give it an unrivaled elegance. In winters, leaves blush in the pretty shade of purple.

Want to grow Jade plants in water? Click here

4. Variegated Trailing Jade

beautiful Trailing Succulents For Hanging Baskets

Botanical Name: Crassula Sarmentosa ‘Comet’

Trailing jade offers variegated leaves with a yellow border and green center, making it a show stopper. For this plant to attain the most vibrant color, keep it in the sun.

Look at the best trailing succulents here

5. String of Buttons

lovely Trailing Succulents For Hanging Baskets

Botanical Name: Crassula perforata

This small shrubby succulent sprawling over the rim of the pot or hanging basket looks terrific. The leaves develop red-pink color on the edges in ample sunlight.

6. Ruby Necklace

Best hanging succulents

Botanical Name: Othonna capensis

This plant bears yellow flowers which resemble daisies and look beautiful with the purple backdrop. The blooms open only in the sun.

Leaves are long, narrow, and bean-like and grow on the purple trailing stem.

7. Wax Plant

Trailing Succulents For Hanging Baskets

Botanical Name: Hoya pachyclada

The Wax plant is much slower growing than other species of the Hoya genus. Leaves are thick and green with slight red around the edges and of course, waxy in appearance.

8. String of Hearts

The Greatest Trailing Succulents for Basket Hangings

Botanical Name: Ceropegia linearis

Knowing where this plant gets its name is a no-brainer as the leaves resemble heart symbols and come in a beautiful shade of blue-green, silver, and purple. It’s one of the best trailing succulents.

Find out the best String of Heart Varieties here

9. String of Pearls

Greatest Trailing Succulents for Basket Hangings

Botanical Name: Senecio rowleyanus

Easy to grow, this beautiful succulent for a hanging basket is drought tolerant, and favorable if you forget to water often. The leaves are spherical, pea-like, and light green.

10. Lantern Flower

Trailing Succulents for Basket Hangings

Botanical Name: Ceropegia haygarthii

Plants that produce unusual blooms require special care often, which is not the case here. A little bit of shade and regular watering is all this plant needs.

11. String of Nickels

Best Trailing Succulents Ever

Botanical Name: Dischidia nummularia

As the leaves are round and flat, resembling coins hanging on a string, it is also commonly known as the String of Coins.

Grow it in a hanging basket or keep it in a tall pot to see the stems dangling down fabulously.

12. String of Beads

The Best Succulents To Trail Into Hanging Baskets

Botanical Name: Senecio herreianus

It is very similar to the succulent ‘String of Pearls’. Only the foliage or beads are slightly different in shape and possess somewhat pointed and oval characteristics.

Find out the best hanging String Succulents here

13. String of Bananas

Best Succulents To Trail Into Hanging Baskets

Botanical Name: Senecio Radicans

Originating from South Africa, it’s an extremely hardy plant. As the name suggests, small banana-shaped leaves grow from the long trailing stems.

14. Calico Kitten

top Best Succulents To Trail Into Hanging Baskets

Botanical Name: Crassula pellucida ‘Variegata’

The foliage has a blend of green, purple, and cream color on the surface and pink on the edges. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a more beautiful combination of colors on any other succulent!

15. Rat Tail Cactus

Amazing Succulents To Trail Into Hanging Baskets

Botanical Name: Aporocactus flagelliformis

The long thick stems with tiny needle-like spines can grow to about one meter in length, spread out, and look exotic. Even the flowers are showy with large pink petals.

Find out the rarest cactus varieties here

16. Monkey’s Tail

Hanging Baskets with Trailing Succulents

Botanical Name: Hildewintera colademononis

Originating from Bolivia, the uniquely attractive stems surely turn heads. The stems grow to a whopping length of 2.5 m and are covered with soft spines until the end.

17. Little Missy

best Hanging Baskets with Trailing Succulents

Botanical Name: Sedum’ Little Missy’

This mat-forming little sedum has tiny rosettes of variegated green leaves with beautiful pink and pale green borders. It’s perfect for hanging baskets and small containers.

18. October Daphne

top Hanging Baskets with Trailing Succulents

Botanical Name: Sedum sieboldii

One of the best trailing succulents that we couldn’t miss in this list due to its round serrated foliage of blue-green color, and is edged with pink lines!

19. Mezoo Trailing Red

beautiful Hanging Baskets with Trailing Succulents

Botanical Name: Dorotheanthus-bellidiformis’ Mezoo Trailing Red’

This tropical succulent plant is one of the best for hanging baskets. The fat trailing stems prefer full sun to show lush and waxy deep green or variegated foliage and year-round red daisy-like flowers.

20. Hindu Rope

amazing Hanging Baskets with Trailing Succulents

Botanical Name: Hoya Ccarnosa compacta

This beautiful succulent features crowded, curled, fleshy leaves on draping vines that look-like thick rope. The glossy leaves are dark green or variegated green and white.

21. Elephant Bush

For hanging baskets, trailing succulents

Botanical Name: Portulacaria afra

Native to South Africa, it features small green leaves on brown stems. Its downward trailing foliage makes it ideal for hanging baskets.

Find out the best Elephant Bush varieties here

22. Dancing Bones Cactus

best For hanging baskets, trailing succulents

Botanical Name: Hatiora salicornioides

This hanging succulent displays deep green leaves on contorted stems. Small yellow flowers open in winter and spring when exposed to plenty of sunlight.

23. Peanut Cactus

For hanging baskets, trailing succulents

Botanical Name: Echinopsis chamaecereus

This branching cactus trails with its unique long stems and soft spines. During late spring, it produces red-orange flowers.

24. Fishbone Cactus

hanging baskets, trailing succulents

Botanical Name: Selenicereus anthonyanus

Also known as Zig-Zag cactus or Orchid cactus due to its unique stems and nocturnal flowers. It can be an interesting addition to your hanging baskets.

Learn everything about growing Fishbone Cactus here

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