8 Best Colorful Ferns You Must Grow in the Garden

Ralph Astley is a retired gardener from Philadelphia who specializes in outdoor plants and trees. With years of hands-on experience, Ralph not only cares for a diverse range of outdoor flora but also shares his extensive knowledge through well-written articles and social media posts. A trusted authority in arboriculture, he's committed to helping the community grow healthier, more robust gardens.
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These colorful ferns not only have intricate leaf patterns and fine fronds but beautiful colors as well. Discover their names below!

Colorful ferns can be an excellent addition to any garden or indoor plant collection. These plants are characterized by their beautiful, vibrant fronds ranging from shades of pink, red, yellow, and even purple.

Know How to Grow Heart Fern here

Best Colorful Ferns

1. Rosy Maidenhair FernBest Colorful Ferns You Must Grow in the Garden

Botanical Name: Adiantum hispidulum

Native to New Zealand, it is known for its beautiful rosy-red stems and delicate, lacy fronds. The foliage is a soft green color and has a delicate texture that gives the plant a light and airy appearance. It is one of the Best Colorful Ferns.

Check out ferns with the most beautiful fronds here

2. Autumn Fern

 Colorful Ferns You Must Grow in the Garden

Botanical Name: Dryopteris erythrosora

This Colorful Fern is famous for its new beautiful coppery-red foliage that emerges in the spring and fades to a bright green color in the summer. The fronds are upright and grow in a vase-like shape, reaching up to 2 feet in height.

3. Japanese Painted Fern

The Most Vibrant Ferns You Should Plant in Your Garden

Botanical Name: Athyrium niponicum pictum

It is known for its silver-blue to purple-red foliage. Its fronds have a slightly arching shape that gives the plant a soft and graceful appearance.

Learn how to grow ferns from ferns here

4. Cinnamon Fern

 Vibrant Ferns You Should Plant in Your Garden
shutterstock/Jeff Holcombe

Botanical Name: Osmunda cinnamomea

This Fern is native to North America and gets its name from the cinnamon-colored fronds that take a yellow-orange-red hue in the spring. It is a popular choice for landscaping due to its striking appearance.

5. Silver Brake Fern

The Most Vibrant Ferns in the Garden That You Must Grow

Botanical Name: Pteris cretica ‘Silver Lace’

The Silver Brake Fern has a clumping habit and graceful arching fronds that have a silver-gray color with a coarse, lacy texture. It is one of the Best Colorful Ferns for adding texture and color to shaded areas in the garden.

Have a look at the best indoor ferns here

6. Alpine Wood Fern

Vibrant Ferns That You Must Plant in the Garden

Botanical Name: Dryopteris wallichiana ‘Jurassic Gold’

Also known as the Himalayan wood fern, the main species is native to the eastern Himalayas. And the ‘Jurassic Gold’ is a slow-growing variety with golden yellow fronds that form an upright, clumping habit.

7. Prickly Rasp Fern

best Vibrant Ferns That You Must Plant in the Garden

Botanical Name: Doodia aspera

This has to be one of the Best Colorful Ferns on this list. The plant stands out with its eye-catching combination of green, fluorescent, pink, and red hues.

Have a look at the best hanging ferns here

8. Japanese Lace Fern

beautiful Vibrant Ferns That You Must Plant in the Garden

Botanical Name: Polystichum polyblepharum

Not exactly colorful, but you will definitely appreciate its subtle yet elegant color combination, which is a mix of gray and green. It does best in dappled light like other ferns.

Here are the top tips to keep your ferns lush and beautiful 

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