Growing Strawberry from Strawberry Scraps

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Growing Strawberry from Strawberry Scraps—really? Can you propagate it with the leftover parts? Let’s find out!

Growing Strawberry from Strawberry Scraps

Strawberries are probably the only tasty fruits out there that you can grow with leftovers! A full plant that will provide you with plenty of juicy harvest!

What Are Strawberry Scraps?Strawberry Scraps

The upper (the green leafy top crown of the strawberry and a small portion of the fruit attached to it) and side portion of the fruit that you discard at times contain the actual seeds.

You are not able to see them for most part as they are extremely small, more like yellow dots on the fruit!

How to Grow Strawberries from Scraps?

Grow Strawberries from Scraps in pot

The first thing you need to do is to get healthy, lush, and big strawberry. Once you have it, slice up the top section using a knife, making sure you also cut up a small section of red part with yellow dots (seeds) along with it. You can also take slices from the sides of the fruits to grow it.

That’s it! You are pretty much done! All you have to do, is to plant it in a pot filled with a mixture of peat moss and perlite. Make sure the top of the crown is above the soil surface.

Water well, and make sure it gets plenty of bright but indirect light. at this stage, it would be a good idea to keep it away from direct sunlight till you spot a new growth. It is also important to never let the soil go dry completely—water when the topsoil feels a little dry to the touch.

Wait for a few weeks and you will see new leaves. This is an indication that the plant is ready with its rooting system. You can then either transplant it into the garden or continue to grow it in the container.

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