Zebra Plant Leaves Turning Brown? Tips to Save Them

Ralph Astley is a retired gardener from Philadelphia who specializes in outdoor plants and trees. With years of hands-on experience, Ralph not only cares for a diverse range of outdoor flora but also shares his extensive knowledge through well-written articles and social media posts. A trusted authority in arboriculture, he's committed to helping the community grow healthier, more robust gardens.
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Are you worried about Zebra Plant Leaves Turning Brown? Wondering what could be the reason? Let’s have a look at the Tips to Save Them!

Zebra Plant Leaves Turning Brown

Don’t worry about your Zebra Plant Leaves Turning Brown anymore! We have all the information that will help you to save the plant on time and keep it out of harm’s way!

Botanical Name: Aphelandra squarrosa

Check out the tips to save Zebra Plant here

Reasons for Zebra Plant Leaves Turning Brown

1. Under Watering

Reasons for Zebra Plant Leaves Turning Brown

You’ll have to bear the fact that Zebra plants hate overwatering but keep from underwatering too. Wet the topsoil when it feels dry to the touch. Schedule watering the plant once every 3-5 days.

2. Cold Drafts

In the native habitat, the plant thrives in indirect sunlight, shaded by other trees. So, it is always well protected from the strong and cold winds.

Keeping that in mind, it would be wise to keep it away from AC vents or windows, where a cold draft can hit your plant. Also, keep it away from hot air vents too, to keep it from getting yellow or brown leaves.

3. Direct Sunlight

Zebra Plant Leaves Turning Brown Direct Sunlight

Zebra Plant loves to be in bright, indirect light, but do not expose it to the harsh afternoon sun for long hours. The intensity of the sun can eventually cause dryness and turn the leaf tips yellow, red, or white due to stress.

Locate it near an east-facing window, where it will bask in the mild morning sun for 2-3 hours.

Check out these 9 Signs That Tell Your Indoor Plants Need More Sunlight!

4. Too Much Fertilizer

Avoid feeding the plant every 1-2 weeks. It will result in a salt build-up in the soil, which will cause yellowing of leaves.

It is best to feed the plant with a balanced fertilizer during its growing period, spring and early summer, once in 3-4 weeks. Do not feed the plant in winters.

5. Lack of Humidity

Zebra Plant Leaves Turning Brown Lack of Humidity

Lack of humidity can make the plant’s leaves turn brown at the edges. To prevent this from happening, keep the plant on a pebble tray filled with water to raise the humidity level. You can also get a humidifier for this purpose.

6. Chlorine or Flouride in Water

Chlorine and fluoride in water or hard water will result in the salt built-up in the growing medium, which will also cover the roots over time, preventing the plant to absorb water. This will result in a draught-like situation for the plant, making the leaves go yellow and brown.

Use RO, Well, Spring, or Rainwater. If you are using tap water, then let it sit overnight to make the salts settle down.

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  1. Thank you for these helpful tips. Turns out that I have been guilty of several of these no-no’s. Am changing my ways ASAP!


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