The secret to robust lemons and oranges is in your pantry–yogurt! And Here’s Why You Should Apply Yogurt To Citrus Trees.
Growing citrus trees, though difficult, is incredibly rewarding, regardless of whether you grow a big one outdoors or a potted one indoors. Each species needs specific care, but the secret of robust growth is in a common dairy product—here’s why you should apply yogurt to citrus trees!
Why Yogurt is Great for Citrus Trees
Yogurt is a probiotic for your gut and a great remedy for plants, making nutrients readily available for absorption. But that’s not all—it acts as a natural fertilizer for citrus trees and several garden plants.
It introduces beneficial bacteria (probiotics) to the soil, which can help suppress harmful soil-borne pathogens, improve nutrient uptake, and boost plant growth by stimulating roots. Yogurt also contains essential nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, and calcium.
The citrus tree readily absorbs these nutrients when accessed through yogurt, producing better flowers and fruits! The presence of bacteria like lactobacillus helps improve the microbial balance in the soil, thus making it more fertile.
The development of beneficial fungi directly promotes your citrus plant’s growth, which is another reason you should stock up on yogurt for your plants, too!
As citrus trees thrive best in soil with a pH of 5.5-7.0, yogurt’s ability to make the soil slightly more acidic comes in handy when it’s applied regularly.
Note: Anything below 5.5 or above 7.5 dims their ability to minerals, causing deficiencies. You could conduct a pH test before using yogurt, as it can increase the soil’s acidity.
How to Apply Yogurt to Your Citrus Trees
Now that you’re ready to treat your citrus trees with some yogurt goodness, here’s a quick recipe. Mix a cup of yogurt with two cups of water. This ratio allows a liquid mixture that is easier to apply around the base of the plant.
Gently pour the solution around the base of your citrus tree so that it can penetrate the roots. Do it slowly and steadily to ensure proper absorption and minimal runoff.
Use the solution for your citrus tree every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.
If your plant shows signs of improvement, maintain the frequency of yogurt treatment. If you do not, reduce the frequency to every few months. This will ensure a proper balance of microbes and nutrients in the soil and prevent over-acidification.
What are you waiting for? Try out this awesome hack today, and let us know how it goes in the comments below!