State Tree of Washington and How to Grow It

Ralph Astley is a retired gardener from Philadelphia who specializes in outdoor plants and trees. With years of hands-on experience, Ralph not only cares for a diverse range of outdoor flora but also shares his extensive knowledge through well-written articles and social media posts. A trusted authority in arboriculture, he's committed to helping the community grow healthier, more robust gardens.
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Here are all the details on the State Tree of Washington that will help you to grow it easily in your garden!

State Tree of Washington

The State Tree of Washington is one of the most beautiful tall specimens you can grow in your garden! Let’s have a look at all the details.
Botanical Name: Tsuga heterophylla
Year Adopted: 1947

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State Tree of Washington

State Tree of Washington
  • Western Hemlock is the official State Tree of Washington.
  • A newspaper based in Oregon teased Washington on its lack of a state tree. Then the Portland Oregonian selected the Western Hemlock as the state tree for Washington.
  • This large coniferous tree is native to North America and is the largest specie of Hemlock. 
  • Western Hemlock can grow up to 50-80 meters tall. 
  • The Tree can live for over 1200 years. 

Learn about the Rhode Island State Tree here

 How to Grow the State Tree of Washington

 How to Grow the State Tree of Washington

Where to Grow?

The Western Hemlock can grow in a wide range of lighting conditions and thrives well in partial to full shade and even direct sunlight, depending on the zone you live in.

Best Soil

Grow this tree in loamy, acidic soil rich in organic matter. If you are using regular garden soil, the tree would also grow just fine in it.

How to Water?

The Western Hemlock loves a lot of water because it is native to the coastal regions. It cannot tolerate prolonged dry spells and intense heat.
Provide ample water when the top soil goes dry until the plant reaches 4-6 feet high. After that, it will take care of its own.

How to Prune?

Western Hemlock tree does not need much maintenance unless the branches are sick, old, decaying, diseased, or beaten by the weather.
Prune during late winter before new growth or in spring in its active period.

Pests and Diseases

Wooly adelgid insects can attack this evergreen coniferous tree. Use insecticidal soap to keep them at bay. Keep it in bright light and good air circulation to avoid diseases. 

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