17 Types of Bananas | Different Varieties of Banana

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Fan of the sweet taste and flavor of a banana? You’ll be surprised to know about these Types of Bananas we have in store for you!

Bananas are the most popular tropical fruit that offers great taste and nutrition. There are around 1000 different types of bananas all over the world, and each of them comes with unique color and flavor! Here are some of the best Types of Bananas you can have!

Botanical Name: Musa acuminata

USDA Zone: 4

Check out our article on growing Bananas in pots here

Types of Bananas

Bananas are divided into two main categories: Dessert and Plantains.

Dessert Bananas

1. Cavendish Bananas

Types of Bananas

These bananas are the most common variety, easily available in supermarkets in the United States. They are available in young unripe green to fully ripe, smooth yellow to riper dark yellow with brown spots. You can add them in smoothies, pancakes, or banana bread.

2. Gros Michel

This variety has a similar taste and size as Cavendish. It is not available as freely as the other varieties. Gros Michel has a sweet taste, a strong smell, with a creamier texture, and can be used in the preparation of banana pies!

3. Lady Finger

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‘Lady Finger’ bananas are 4-5 inches long, cigar-shaped sweet fruit. They have a bright yellow thin peel with dark flecks when fully ripen. The flesh is creamy and more delicious than the other common banana varieties.

4. Blue Java

Blue Java bananas have vanilla ice-cream like flavor, and are also famous as ‘Ice cream bananas.’ They have silver-blue skin that turns pale yellow when ripe. The fruit has aromatic soft and sweet flesh. Add them to smoothies or relish their distinctive taste raw!

5. Manzano

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Also known as ‘apple bananas,’ they are stout and plump, with a thick firm peel and a light, creamy flesh. Young apple bananas have a tangy and sweet taste with a hint of apple. When the fruit ripens, they have a tart-apple aroma and a flavor of tropical profile with notes of strawberry and pineapple.

6. Red Bananas

Red bananas have red-purple skin, sweet flesh with a pink and orange tinge. Few of them are small and plump than Cavendish banana. When fully ripen, they have a cream to light pink flesh. Some of the fruits have a slight raspberry taste, and others have an earthy flavor.

7. Goldfinger Bananas

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Goldfinger variety is native to Honduras. It is cold-tolerant, wind, and disease-resistant. The fruit has an apple-like sweet flavor and does not turn brown when cut. This variety is a cross between Cavendish and Lady Finger.

8. Nanjangud Banana

This banana variety is the most important crop in India. It is grown in Mysore and Chamarajanagar district of Karnataka, India. The fruit is famous for its unique taste and aroma and slightly tart flavor, because of a distinct method of cultivation and black clay alluvial saline soil around Nanjangud.

9. Praying Hands

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Praying hands bananas are an unusual variety with two adjoining ‘hands’ that grow merged, hence the name. These bananas are relatively less sweet than other types and have an exceptional vanilla flavor.

Here’s everything you need to know about keeping bananas fresh and flavorful! 

Cooking or Plantain Bananas

Bananas falling in this category have a neutral taste and generally boiled, fried, or roasted due to more starchy texture and low sugar content. You can also consume them raw when ripe.

10. Orinoco

Orinoco banana is hardy, that survives well in cold climates and winds. They require support when bearing huge heads of fruit. The texture becomes silky and soft when they mature, with a firm and fibrous peel. However, these bananas are comparatively starchy but have a delicious sweet taste and smooth texture.

11. Fehi

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Fehi banana has orange to red skin, with yellow or orange flesh. It is considered more nutritious and delicious when boiled or baked. This variety is stated as ‘unpleasantly astringent’ when eaten raw as the fruit has a higher amount of starch and low sugar compared to the other banana varieties.

12. Bluggoe

Bluggoe banana bears fruits in large and straight shape. This variety has a starchy texture and resistant to Panama disease. Though it can be eaten raw people in Burma, Thailand, southern India, and East Africa use it for cooking only.

13. Macho Plantain

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Macho Plantain is common in Florida. It is the most popularly grown variety in the United States. This variety has a deep sweet-and-sour taste, making it perfect to fry or saute in butter or roast on the grill.

14. Pisang Raja

Also Known as Musa Belle banana, Pisang Raja is a popular variety in Indonesia. It has a slightly grainy texture and sweet flavor with a thick peel. The fruit is popular in the preparation of banana pancakes, which is a famous snack in Indonesia.

15. Lady’s Finger Bananas

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Lady’s Finger bananas are small and sweet than the mild and long Cavendish variety. You can use them in the preparation of portion-control snacks for kids. They are popular in salads, thanks to their small size!

16. Barangan Bananas

Barangan Banana has a mildly sweet taste, with yellow-colored peel with black dots. Its flesh is seedless and pure white. This variety is quite popular and enjoyed as a dessert in many regions across the tropics.

17. Dwarf Jamaican

Also known as Cuban red banana, it turns sunset yellow when ripe. It is smaller than Cavendish variety and has creamy to pink flesh with a raspberry flavor. You can slice and use in salads or eat it raw when ripe.

Check out our article on using dried banana peel as fertilizer here! 

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  1. Nice information , I have about 15 varieties of banana and plantain at home currently ( piranha ceylon, grain nain, namwah, Mona lisa,hua moa, Apple manzano,gold finger, improve mysore, gros&Michel, blue java,dwarf plantain, Samaritans x cross,Puerto Rican plantain, tall red, French red, giant plantain,paradisiaca plantain and fei fei banana trees. I have all these varieties at home.

  2. I recieved 2 banana trees from my mother when she visited Florida. The two have had pups now I have a dozen. We live in Tennesee and would like to put them in the ground.I do not know if they would survive outdoors for I do not know what type they are. I would greatly appreciate any information.

  3. When I was living in Guinée Bissau many yrs ago, there was a sort of green banana that did not change color when it got ripe, so still green. It only got more and more black spotted.
    They were a little bit more narrow than most other bananas, and was very tasty and sweet, with a little tangy touch. I have never seen these bananas anywhere else, and would like to know the name of them. Anyone here know anything about these?

  4. Hi! any knowledgeable person here? Just wanna ask what causes these variation among banana fruits. Also where are they found

  5. I have a blue java a cavendish and a lady finger banana tree , i love to grow asian herbs and vegetables and im very thankful i have my fathers green thumb

  6. I have a ice cream banana tree I just purchased. About 1 foot tall. In Florida now but going north in May and coming back to Florida in November. If my potted bana tree is to tall for move can I cut it back

  7. I need to find different kinds bananas to grow at home, midwest USA. The store is too expensive and we are so hungry. We have a warm enough porch for potted. Thanks friends.

  8. I bought some organic bananas at the grocery store that are about 1 inch wide and 4 -5 inches long. They are slender from tip to tip with an ever so slight curve. They turn yellow when ripe and the edible flesh is pale orange. Nicely sweet, hint of honey. The Dole sticker said it is a “Baby” banana from Ecuador. From my online research “Baby” banana are also called “Lady Finger” banana, BUT they always appear short and fat (chunky looking) – not slender – AND from images online they have pale yellow flesh – not an orange tint. I cannot find any website that describes what I have. Does anybody know of an exhaustive resource that not only describes the plant but the (outer/inside) fruit and its flavor so that I can figure out what it is? There cannot be THAT many tiny bananas with orange tinged fruit that is grown in Ecuador and shipped to US markets. I would like to buy a banana tree that will produce THIS type of fruit.
    Thank you for your time and appropriate response.

  9. Once upon a time, in a vibrant tropical plantation, there grew a humble banana. Our banana, let’s call it Sunny, started its life as a tiny bud nestled among the lush green leaves of its parent tree. As the days passed, the bud slowly unfurled, revealing a slender stem that would bear the weight of its future.

    Sunny’s journey began, and as it grew, it soaked up the warm rays of the sun, the refreshing drops of rain, and the nurturing soil beneath its roots. Amongst its fellow bananas, Sunny learned the art of patience and resilience, understanding that growth takes time and effort.

    As Sunny matured, it transformed into a magnificent yellow fruit, full of sweetness and potential. Its vibrant color caught the eye of passersby, and it stood tall, proud of its purpose. Sunny knew that it had a role to play in nourishing others and bringing joy to their lives.

    One day, a young girl named Mia came across the plantation. Her eyes lit up when she spotted Sunny among the countless bananas. She carefully plucked Sunny from the bunch, feeling the smoothness of its skin. Sunny felt a mixture of excitement and uncertainty, wondering what lay ahead.

    Mia carried Sunny home, and the banana’s life took a new turn. It found itself in a bustling kitchen, surrounded by the aroma of spices and the clatter of pots and pans. Mia, with a wide grin, peeled Sunny, revealing its succulent flesh. Sunny knew its purpose was about to be fulfilled.

    Sunny’s journey continued as it became part of a delicious smoothie, blending its sweet flavor with berries, yogurt, and a splash of honey. The smoothie brought delight to Mia’s taste buds, energizing her for the day ahead. Sunny felt a deep sense of fulfillment, knowing that it had brought nourishment and happiness to someone’s life.

    Throughout its life, Sunny encountered various adventures and encounters, bringing smiles to people’s faces in different forms. Whether it was sliced into a fruit salad, baked into a cake, or simply enjoyed as a quick snack, Sunny embraced its role with gratitude.

    As the seasons changed and time went by, Sunny’s vibrant yellow gradually faded, and it knew that its journey was nearing its end. But even in its final stages, Sunny’s purpose remained strong. It provided nutrients to the soil, enriching it for future growth and becoming a part of a continuous cycle of life.

    In the end, Sunny’s life story may seem simple, but it taught us the value of embracing our purpose, bringing joy to others, and finding fulfillment in even the smallest of roles. Though Sunny may have passed, its legacy lives on, reminding us that every banana has a unique story to tell if we take the time to listen.


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