Philodendron atabapoense Care and Growing Guide

Ralph Astley is a retired gardener from Philadelphia who specializes in outdoor plants and trees. With years of hands-on experience, Ralph not only cares for a diverse range of outdoor flora but also shares his extensive knowledge through well-written articles and social media posts. A trusted authority in arboriculture, he's committed to helping the community grow healthier, more robust gardens.
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Philodendron atabapoense Care is not a difficult task if you have the right guidance. Read on to learn the expert tips!

Philodendron Atabapoense

Philodendron atabapoense is a stunning tropical plant with elongated, glossy leaves and is native to South America. Proper care and maintenance can help it thrive and bring a touch of tropical vibes into your home or office.

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Philodendron atabapoense Plant Information


Philodendron atabapoense is a tropical plant species native to South America, specifically, the region surrounding the Atabapo River in Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil. It belongs to the family Araceae.

It stands out with its large, heart-like leaves that can grow up to 1-2 feet in length. The foliage has a glossy texture and gets a deep green color, with prominent veins that give them a striking appearance. Philodendron atabapoense’s stems are thick and vine-like, allowing it to climb and trail as it grows.

Philodendron atabapoense is also popular for its air-purifying qualities. The plant is able to filter toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene from the air, making it a popular choice for indoor spaces such as homes and offices.

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Propagating Philodendron atabapoense

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Philodendron atabapoense is a rare species that can be easily propagated by taking stem cuttings.

  • Choose a healthy Philodendron atabapoense plant with several stems and leaves.
  • Using a clean, sharp knife or scissors, take a stem cutting that is 4-6 inches long. Make sure the cutting has 3-4 leaves and nodes.
  • Remove the lower leaves from the stem cutting, leaving 1-2 leaves at the top.
  • Dip the cut end of the stem cutting in rooting hormone powder to encourage root growth.
  • Plant the stem cutting in a small pot filled with a well-draining potting mix. Water the soil thoroughly.
  • To promote successful rooting, provide adequate humidity by placing a clear plastic bag or dome over the cutting.
  • Place the pot in a location with bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, which can damage the cutting.
  • Water the cutting as needed to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.

The cuttings will form roots in 4-5 weeks.

Requirements for Growing Philodendron atabapoense



Philodendron atabapoense thrives in moderate light, although it can also adapt to low light conditions. Ideally, it should be placed in a location with bright but diffused or dappled light.

Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can cause the striking colors of the plant’s leaves to diminish.


Use loose, well-drained organic soil. Improve drainage and aeration by adding orchid bark, or a small amount of sand to the planter. To balance this out and prevent the soil from drying out too quickly, peat moss or sphagnum moss can be mixed in with the potting mix.

This mix will help to retain some moisture while still allowing the Philodendron atabapoense roots to breathe, preventing suffocation due to waterlogging. The ideal pH level for the soil should be between 6.1-7.3, which is slightly acidic but not neutral.


For Philodendron atabapoense, watering once or twice a week during spring and summer is recommended, while watering frequency should decrease during fall and winter. It is crucial to wait until the top 2 inches of potting mix are completely dry before watering again.

When watering, make sure to soak the potting mix thoroughly and let the excess water drain through the drainage holes in the pot.

Temperature & Humidity

Philodendron atabapoense prefers temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C). It is important to avoid exposing the plant to temperatures below 50°F (10°C), as this can damage or kill the plant.

Additionally, avoid exposing the plant to sudden temperature fluctuations, as this can cause stress and affect its growth.

Philodendron atabapoense requires high humidity levels, ideally between 50-60%. If the air is too dry, the plant’s leaves may turn brown or develop brown tips.

You can increase humidity levels around the plant by misting the leaves regularly, placing a tray of water and pebbles near the plant, or using a humidifier.

Check Ecucador Philodendron Growing Guide here

Philodendron atabapoense Care

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While Philodendron atabapoense doesn’t require frequent fertilization, a balanced feed can promote healthy foliage and growth. Fertilize it 2-3 times a year with a balanced liquid fertilizer.

It’s best to feed the plant in early spring, summer, and late summer for optimal growth. Avoid feeding the plant in winter.


When it comes to pruning Philodendron atabapoense, only light trimming is necessary. Remove any dead or damaged leaves or stems to allow the plant to concentrate its energy on new growth. Light pruning can also encourage fuller growth.

Avoid heavy pruning as it can shock the plant. Only prune when necessary and avoid cutting away too much at once.


Philodendron atabapoense does not require frequent repotting, but as the plant grows, it may become root-bound, hindering its development and well-being.

To ensure that the roots have sufficient space to spread out within the potting mix, most Philodendron atabapoense will require repotting every two to three years. Use only one size bigger container than the old one.

Pests and Diseases

Philodendron atabapoense is a sturdy plant, but it is highly susceptible to overwatering, which can result in root rot. It is essential to water the plant only when the top layer of the potting mix has dried out.

Another common issue with these plants is spider mites. These pests extract sap from the leaves and stems of the plant, depriving it of nutrients. Spray the plant with an organic insecticide solution or neem oil.

Find How to Grow Philodendron selloum here

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