How to Fix and Save Overwatered Peace Lily

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Learn How to Fix and Save Overwatered Peace Lily with proper care and attention. It will help you keep the plant at the top of its health.

How to Fix and Save Overwatered Peace Lily

It is a well-known fact that overwatering can be extremely detrimental to the health of your Peace Lily. This is because excess moisture can lead to a serious condition known as root rot, which can ultimately prove fatal to the plant. Nevertheless, there are steps you can take to save your plant, even if it has already contracted this disease.

To help you through this process, we have created a step-by-step guide on How to Fix and Save Overwatered Peace Lily.

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How Do You Know If Your Peace Lily is Overwatered?

  • When a Peace Lily is overwatered, it initially displays symptoms such as drooping leaves that gradually turn pale and yellow.
  • If the plant remains in this state for an extended period, it can lead to leaf edema, causing the leaf tips to turn brown and develop water blisters, and the plant may stop growing altogether.
  • The leaves will eventually wither, and the roots may become soft and rotten.

Nevertheless, it is often possible to rescue the plant by following a systematic approach to recovery, which involves repotting, proper plant care, and appropriate watering practices.

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Symptoms of Overwatering In Peace Lily

Properly watering a Peace Lily can be challenging. If the plant is underwatered, its leaves may become limp, curl up, and droop. Conversely, overwatering the plant can also lead to undesirable symptoms.

  • The initial signs of overwatering may be mild and may go unnoticed, but one can look for yellow leaves at the plant’s bottom. The yellowing usually starts at the edges of the leaves and gradually spreads.
  • If the plant is consistently overwatered for a significant period, it may develop leaf edema, which appears as small water cysts on the leaves.
  • Gradually, the leaf tips may turn brown, and fungal or bacterial infections may cause yellow spots to form on the leaves.
  • The plant’s growth may become stunted, with no new leaves emerging and old ones wilting and falling off.
  • As the damp conditions persist, the plant may become susceptible to root rot. The roots may weaken, become mushy, turn black, and emit a foul odor.

Find out How to Propagate Peace Lily here

Elements That Contribute To the Signs of Overwatering


Overwatering may not necessarily be caused solely by watering the plant more frequently than needed. While this is the primary cause, there are other contributing factors that can lead to the development of overwatering symptoms in the plant.

1. Container Material

Terracotta pots are the best due to their porous nature, which allows water to drain out easily, preventing the soil from becoming too damp.

On the other hand, non-porous materials such as plastic and ceramic should be avoided as they tend to retain water for longer periods of time.

2. Size of the Container

Selecting the appropriate pot size for your plant is essential. If a small plant is placed in a pot that is too large, it may take longer for the soil to dry out and lose moisture, which can cause concerns for your Peace Lily plant as it prefers well-draining soil and can be susceptible to issues caused by overly wet or soggy conditions.

3. Temperature, Humidity, and Wind

The rate at which roots absorb water is closely tied to the process of transpiration, which is the evaporation of moisture from the above-ground parts of leaves.

Transpiration occurs at a higher rate during hotter seasons when humidity levels are low, and it can be further increased by wind, which enhances evaporation.

As transpiration occurs, the roots absorb more water, leading to quicker soil drying. In contrast, during colder seasons, lower rates of transpiration can limit the uptake of water by roots, causing the soil to remain predominantly wet.

How to Fix and Save An Overwatered Peace Lily

1. Re-potting

How to Fix and Save Overwatered Peace Lily 2

Allowing a waterlogged plant to recover on its own by waiting for the gradual evaporation of excess water from its soaked soil is risky, as it may contract rot and infections.

Time is critical, and the longer the plant remains in wet soil, the harder it becomes to revive it.

  • The first step in this situation is to remove the plant from the waterlogged soil and transplant it into a well-draining soil mix.
  • If the plant has root rot, it’s essential to transplant it into a new sterilized pot. Using the same pot can cause reinfection.
  • It’s important to select an appropriately sized pot to avoid water accumulation. The soil mix in a new packet is usually moist, so it’s unnecessary to water the plant immediately after repotting.
  • Wait for the roots to absorb the moisture before moving on to the next step.

2. Make a Watering Schedule

To ensure a Peace Lily plant’s healthy growth, watering it carefully is crucial. It’s essential to maintain a delicate balance between providing enough water and not leaving it completely dry.

It’s best not to rely on the plant’s potentially misleading signs and instead use your hand to feel the soil mix. Insert two fingers into the soil and assess whether it requires watering. If the soil is entirely dry, it’s time to water your Peace Lily plant.

3. Skip Fertilization

Fertilizing a waterlogged plant that is already struggling can be more harmful than helpful due to the added mineral salts. After repotting, it’s best to avoid fertilizers for at least three months.

Only when the plant has fully recovered, and its roots and leaves appear healthy should you consider using fertilizers. During the growing season, it’s recommended to fertilize your plant only once a month using a balanced feed.

4. Maintain Proper Humidity Levels

Peace Lilies naturally flourish in humid tropical environments. However, their growth may be inhibited when kept indoors or in gardens where the air is dry and harsh.

To prevent this, misting the plant occasionally during the hot season can be helpful. Additionally, surrounding the plant with trays of wet pebbles can also increase the humidity levels in its surroundings through water evaporation.

5. Provide Sufficient Sunlight

How to Fix and Save Overwatered Peace Lily 5

Adequate sunlight exposure is crucial for the healthy growth and development of your plant as it facilitates photosynthesis. However, Peace Lilies are sensitive to excessive direct sunlight.

Therefore, it’s recommended to place the pot in a shaded area where the plant receives a sufficient amount of indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can be even more detrimental to weakened plants in recovery, as it can scorch and kill the leaves.

Pro Tip: Keep the plant in the mild morning sun for 2-3 hours daily.

6. Keep the Plant at the Perfect Temperature

Due to their inability to tolerate cold temperatures below 40  F(4 C), Peace Lilies are commonly grown as houseplants.

For a speedy recovery, it’s recommended to keep your plant in an environment where the temperature falls within the ideal range of 65 to 80 F (18-27 C).

How to Fix and Save Overwatered Peace Lily – Conclusion

In conclusion, overwatering can be harmful to the health and growth of Peace Lily plants. However, with proper care and attention, an overwatered plant can be revived and saved.

Key steps to fixing an overwatered Peace Lily include repotting the plant in a well-drained soil mix, avoiding fertilizers for at least three months, providing adequate but not excessive sunlight, and maintaining a humid environment.

By following these guidelines and providing your Peace Lily with the care it needs, you can successfully nurse it back to health and enjoy its beauty for years to come.

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