5 Beautiful Scindapsus Treubii Varieties to Grow Indoors

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Here are Beautiful Scindapsus Treubii Varieties to Grow Indoors! With funky patterns and shades, they will make any room pop!

Scindapsus Treubii are known for their stunning heart-shaped leaves and air-purifying qualities. Plus, they’re easy to care for. And did we mention the silver foliage? Don’t miss out on these Scindapsus Treubii Varieties to Grow Indoors!

Best Types of Scindapsus Treubii Varieties

1. Moonlight

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Botanical Name: Scindapsus treubii ‘Moonlight’

Moonlight Scindapsus is also known as Silver Satin Pothos and Silver Vine. It’s a beautiful houseplant with oval leaves that are covered in a silvery sheen on top of a dark green base.

2. Black Pothos (Dark Scindapsus)

Botanical Name: Scindapsus treubii ‘Dark Form’

Scindapsus treubii ‘Dark Form’ is a popular indoor Scindapsus treubii variety with a creeping growth habit. It has thin, velvety leaves and dark green, almost black foliage that makes it stand out. You can grow it easily.

3. Jade Scindapsus

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Botanical Name: Scindapsus treubii ‘Jade’

Jade is a beautiful variety of Scindapsus that has emerald green, velvety leaves. It thrives in bright light and is a slow grower, so you have to be patient while growing it indoors.

4. Scindapsus ‘Sumatra’

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Botanical Name: Scindapsus treubii ‘Sumatra’

Scindapsus ‘Sumatra’ is a sought-after Scindapsus treubii variety that has beautiful pale green variegations on the leaves. If you grow it indoors, give it a moss pole and mist it every now and then.

5. Scindapsus ‘Mint’


Botanical Name: Scindapsus treubii ‘Mint’

Scindapsus Mint has a satiny texture and comes in a light green, minty color. This is a great choice for baskets and shelves, and it can also tolerate lower light conditions.

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