23 Ornamental Vegetables That Look Good

Ralph Astley is a retired gardener from Philadelphia who specializes in outdoor plants and trees. With years of hands-on experience, Ralph not only cares for a diverse range of outdoor flora but also shares his extensive knowledge through well-written articles and social media posts. A trusted authority in arboriculture, he's committed to helping the community grow healthier, more robust gardens.
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Yes, there are Ornamental Vegetables That Look Good! And before you ask, yes–they’re pretty easy to grow! Here they are.

When it comes to vegetable gardening, many of us focus on how much produce we’re getting and leave the beauty part of the garden to flowers. But you can also use these Ornamental Vegetables That Look Good for the same purpose and enjoy your veggies.

Best Ornamental Vegetables

1. Rainbow Swiss Chard

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Botanical Name: Beta vulgaris var. cicla var. Flavescens

Rainbow Swiss Chard isn’t a single ornamental vegetable. The Swiss Chard varieties that have different colors like white, yellow, pink, deep red, and others are called rainbow varieties.

2. Purple Cauliflower

Ornamental Vegetables growing in garden

Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea var. botrytis

Imagine growing cauliflower, but instead of boring white–it’s purple. That’s what you get with Purple cauliflower. It’s not dyed, though; that pretty color comes from natural antioxidants.

3. Black Pearl Peppers

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Botanical Name: Capsicum annuum ‘Black Pearl’

Black Pearl peppers are like tiny goth jewels for your garden! These peppers are a stunner with almost black leaves and deep purple flowers. But don’t be fooled by their dark looks; they can surprise you with a bit of heat!

4. Golden Sweet Cherry Tomato

Ornamental Vegetables to grow

Botanical Name: Solanum lycopersicum.

Golden Sweet Cherry tomatoes are a mix of all things nice. These ornamental vegetables have a really good hue and taste amazing–nice and sweet with a thin skin. They make lovely (and healthy) snacks.

5. Redbor Kale

Ornamental Vegetables in garden

Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea (Acephala Group) ‘Redbor’

Redbor kale is basically the king of kale! It’s got these super curly, deep purple leaves that look wonderful in salads (and the lawn) and are actually tastier the colder it gets outside.

6. Romanesco Broccoli

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Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea ‘Romanesco’

Romanesco Broccoli has a lovely chartreuse green color. It might look fancy, but it’s just as easy to cook as regular broccoli. And the best part? It has a slightly nutty flavor that’s not as bitter as broccoli.

7. Scarlet Runner Beans

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Botanical Name: Phaseolus coccineus

Scarlet Runner Beans aren’t your shy, short green beans. They have bright red flowers that climb up on tall trellises and have long, green pods that dangle down. They look stunning and are also super yummy.

8. Glass Gem Corn

Amazing Ornamental Vegetables

Botanical Name: Zea mays

Glass Gem Corn has kernels that look like tiny marbles. It’s a type of flint corn, so you can grind it into cornmeal or pop it for colorful popcorn. But honestly, it’s so beautiful you might just want to grow it as an ornamental vegetable that looks good.

9. Lemon Cucumber

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Botanical Name: Cucumis sativus ‘Lemon’

Lemon Cucumber is a delightful ornamental vegetable that looks like a lemon but tastes like a cucumber. It’s about the size of a tennis ball and is really great for a refreshing, crunching salad. Plus, it looks pretty in the garden.

10. Globe Artichokes

Ornamental Vegetables indoor

Botanical Name: Cynara scolymus

Globe artichoke is like a prehistoric flower bud you can eat! It’s a thistle relative with a round, green head made of dozens of scaly leaves. These leaves aren’t really for munching on, but they protect the delicious prize inside–the heart.

11. Purple Pole Beans

Ornamental Vegetables grow in garden bed

Botanical Name: Phaseolus vulgaris

Forget boring green–Purple Pole Beans have lovely purple pods and are nice and crunchy. People love them for their subtle sweetness. Just make sure you give them a trellis to climb on.

12. Red Romaine Lettuce

Ornamental Vegetables to grow

Botanical Name: Lactuca sativa var.

Red Romaine lettuce has all the great qualities—sturdy, crisp leaves that are perfect for salads and can even handle a little heat for grilling. What makes it a lovely ornamental vegetable is the deep red, burgundy color.

13. Dragon Carrots

Ornamental Vegetables in garden

Botanical Name: Daucus carota ‘Purple Dragon’

Dragon Carrots have dark purple skin with orange/yellow flesh inside. It grows underground, so it won’t make much difference in the garden. But it surely looks great on plates.

14. Watermelon Radishes

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Botanical Name: Raphanus sativus ‘Watermelon’

Watermelon Radishes are also amazing ornamental veggies. It’s white or red on the outside, but once you slice it open, you’ll see a watermelon-pink center, complete with flecks of green-like seeds.

15. Gold Beetroots

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Botanical Name: Beta vulgaris

The skin of Gold Beetroots is semi-rough, exhibiting marks, russet tones, and scratches. But the real sunshine comes when you cut it. It has a golden-yellow inner flesh that’s sweeter and milder than regular beets.

16. Red Cabbage

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Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra

Red Cabbage is basically a close relative of the green cabbages you might be familiar with. But instead of the green leaves, it has a vibrant red-purple hue. That’s because it’s rich in anthocyanins–the same stuff that makes blueberries blue.

17. Rouge Vif D’Etampes Pumpkin

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Botanical Name: Rouge Vif D’Etampes Pumpkin

Rouge Vif D’Etampes is an heirloom variety known for its delicious deep orange flesh, perfect for roasting and baking. But the flesh is not all–the red/orange rind is what makes it a lovely ornamental.

18. Rainbow Carrots

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Rainbow carrots aren’t just pretty; they’re on the smaller side and extra tender. Plus, they taste great if you pair them up with olive oil and herbs. You can find them in purple, yellow, white, and even red.

19. Purple Asparagus

Ornamental Vegetables in garden

Did you know you could grow Purple Asparagus on your lawn? They’re more than just a pretty face and have a sweet flavor. They’re also more tender than green varieties.

20. Purple Potatoes

Ornamental Vegetables to grow

You must have seen boring beige spuds but not Purple Potatoes. They are in lovely shades of purple, blue, or even red and have a flesh that’s just like the color outside. Plus, they’re earthier and nuttier in flavor.

21. Ornamental Cabbage

Amazing Ornamental Vegetables

You can also go with Ornamental cabbages. They come in all sorts of colors, from deep purples and pinks to greens and whites. These cabbages also have incredible textures, with leaves that can be ruffled, fringed, or even feathery.

22. Black Tomatoes

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If you want a dark ornamental vegetable that looks good, go with Black Tomatoes. But don’t let the dark color fool you! These tomatoes are very much edible and really good in taste.

23. Ornamental Chillies

Ornamental Vegetables in pot

Why don’t you try growing Ornamental Chillies? They come in red, yellow, purple, and almost black shades and look really pretty. You should go with the ‘Thai Dragon’ and ‘Cayenne Pepper’ varieties.

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