These beautiful Orange Wildflowers are easy to maintain and offer a refreshing splash of color to the garden!
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Best Orange Wildflowers
1. Scarlet Pimpernel
Botanical Name: Lysimachia arvensis
Scarlet Pimpernel is also popular as Red Chickweed. This wildflower blooms in various colors, including orange, red, peach, lilac, white, and blue.
2. Western Wallflower
Botanical Name: Erysimum capitatum
It has thin, erect stems and grows bright yellow, red, tangerine, or purple blooms. It’s also a great option for attracting pollinators.
3. Few Flower Milkweed
Botanical Name: Asclepias lanceolata
Fewflower Milkweed is native to the coastal plains of the United States. It is an upright perennial plant that grows bright orange-red flowers.
4. Scarlet Sesbane
Botanical Name: Sesbania punicea
The plant is native to South America and features showy, tubular orange flowers attractive to bees and other pollinators.
5. Pot Marigold
Botanical Name: Calendula Officinalis
This plant grows large orange flowers that can be single or double. The blooms match really well with the bright slender foliage.
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6. Wood Lily
Botanical Name: Lilium philadelphicum
The Wood Lily is native to North America and blooms from June to August in red or orange hues. It attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.
7. Michigan Lily
Botanical Name: Lilium michiganense
The Michigan Lily is a North American wildflower with bright orange flowers and dark brown spots. These lilies are a favorite of hummingbirds, butterflies, deer, and rabbits.
8. Columbia Lily
Botanical Name: Lilium columbianum
Also known as Tiger lily, it is a wildflower species that flowers from early May through early August. The flowers are orange in color and have darker spots on the surface.
9. Apricot Mallow
Botanical Name: Sphaeralcea ambigua
The Apricot mallow wildflower is known for its large orange-to-pink blooms. It is a perennial shrub that grows up to 2-4 feet tall and is a member of the Malvaceae family.
10. California Poppy
Botanical Name: Eschscholzia californica
This plant stands out with its vibrant orange cup-like flowers that appear in spring. It is relatively easy to cultivate and drought tolerant.
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11. Butterfly Milkweed
Botanical Name: Asclepias tuberosa
Butterfly Weed or Orange Milkweed is a wildflower that blooms in clusters of bright orange hue and attracts butterflies and pollinators.
12. Orange Sneezeweed
Botanical Name: Helenium autumnale
Orange Sneezeweed is a native wildflower of North America that thrives in moist soils and wooded areas. It blooms in summer and fall.
13. Orange Milkwort
Botanical Name: Polygala lutea
This wildflower produces bright orange flowers and is common in habitats like bogs, wet pine, and ditches.
14. Flame Azalea
Botanical Name: Rhododendron calendulaceum
Flame Azaleas are native to the United States and are about 10-15 feet tall and 8-10 feet wide. They have large flowers that appear orange, yellow, or red.
15. Orange Agoseris
Botanical Name: Agoseris aurantiaca
The distinctive orange flowers of the plant make it easy to identify, and it is the only species of Agoseris with orange blooms.
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16. Scarlet Globemallow
Botanical Name: Sphaeralcea coccinea
This wildflower is known for its distinct orange blooms. It is a low-growing, long-lasting perennial that thrives in neglect.
17. Hoary Puccoon
Botanical Name: Lithospermum canescens
Hoary Puccoon flowers appear in clusters and have yellow or orange hues. If you want an easy-blooming plant that thrives in neglect, this is it!
18. Mexican Marigold
Botanical Name: Tagetes erecta
Mexican Marigold is a wildflower native to Mexico. It blooms from yellow to orange in color and is quite a champ in surviving harsh conditions.
19. Texas Lantana
Botanical Name: Lantana urticoides
A low-growing native wildflower, it is known for its trumpet-shaped flowers blooming in orange, yellow, or red clusters.
20. Western Columbine
Botanical Name: Aquilegia formosa
Western Columbine is a perennial plant with bright orange-yellow flowers that bloom in summer and early fall.
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21. Orange Hawkweed
Botanical Name: Hieracium aurantiacum
Recognizable by its orange flowers with dark spots, this low-growing plant does well in bright sunlight. It is also very easy to maintain.
22. Indian Paintbrush
Botanical Name: Castilleja coccinea
Known for its vibrant orange or red bracts resembling paintbrushes, you can pair it with different plants in your garden!
23. Prairie Coneflower
Botanical Name: Ratibida columnifera
Prairie Coneflower grows bright yellow to orange flowers, similar to those of a Mexican hat. It thrives well in sunny and dry areas.
24. Mexican Honeysuckle
Botanical Name: Justicia spicigera
Mexican honeysuckle blooms in clusters of vivid orange, narrow tube-shaped flowers. It is really easy to look after.
25. Mexican Sunflower
Botanical Name: Tithonia diversifolia
This Mexican Sunflower blooms bright yellow to orange flowers. It has large flower heads that resemble daisies.
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26. Wind Poppy
Botanical Name: Papaver heterophyllum
This winter annual herbaceous plant grows bright orange flowers in summer and early fall. It prefers full sun.
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27. Spreading Fanpetals
Botanical Name: Sida abutifolia
These orange wildflowers have a white and yellow tint to them that matches really well with the light green foliage.
28. Orange-Fringed Orchid
Botanical Name: Platanthera ciliaris
A large, showy plant with bright orange flowers – it can be a great border plant thanks to its tall spikes full of blooms.
29. Thurber’s Desert Honeysuckle
Botanical Name: Anisacanthus therberi
Thurber’s desert honeysuckle is a wildflower that flowers in tubular brick red to red-orange and is a hummingbird favorite.
30. Nasturtium
Botanical Name: Tropaeolum majus
A wildflower, nasturtium blooms in various colors, including yellow, orange, and red. Its blossoms have a distinctive shape and are used in salads to add a peppery flavor.
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31. Tawny Daylily 
Botanical Name: Hemerocallis fulva
It is a six-petal trumpet-like wildflower that blooms in shades of orange on tall leafless stems. They are native to temperate and subtropical parts of the world.
32. Black-Eyed Susan Vine
Botanical Name: Thunbergia alata
This has to be one of the most popular vines with orange flowers. Give it a full sun exposure and watch it cover the entire wall with blossoms!