7 Jade Plant Blooming Hacks for More Flowers

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Love the Jade Plant? If yes, then you’ll surely love it ‘extra’ when it blooms! Check out these Jade Plant Blooming Hacks for More Flowers!

6 Jade Plant Blooming Hacks for More Flowers

The jade plant is more commonly known for its fleshy, ovate leaves, but did you know that it can produce blooms, too? If you want a flowering jade plant, then these hacks will help you get more flowers! Don’t miss reading it till the end as we have kept the best one for last.

What Do Jade Plant Flowers Look Like?

Jade Plant Flowers Look Like

Jade plants usually produce clusters of tiny and star-shaped flowers. They have five distinct petals that can be snow white or pale pink. If you observe an individual flower closely, you will see darker-colored anthers emerging from the center of the fused petals.

Take a whiff of these tiny beauties, and you will notice a faint, sweet fragrance as well. It’s not strong, so it doesn’t spread across the room, but it’s definitely present and pleasant.

Jade Plant Blooming Hacks for More Flowers

A flowering jade plant isn’t common, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find it anywhere. In their native habitat, these succulents flower when they reach maturity. If you want to witness the same, you have to do a few things.

1. First, the plant needs to be mature, around 3-5 years old. If you want the flowers to appear early, buy an old specimen that is at least two years old.

2. Second, it needs long nights with cool temperatures and good exposure to daylight, a mix of full and partial sun ensures happiest crassula ovatas just like their native habitat. You can also locate your jade plant outdoors in the summer!

Apart from that, you should also keep your jade plant slightly rootbound to encourage the plant to flower.

3. Fertilizer for More Blooms

Providing a jade plant with frequent fertilization in weak strength also boosts flowering. You can apply any balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to one-quarter of the manufacturer’s recommended strength during the growing season. Do this once every 2 weeks. However, if your jade plant is kept in a low light, feed it once in 4 weeks.

You can also use a fertilizer that is low in nitrogen but high in potassium and phosphorus, like 5-10-10.

4. Keep it in Slight Stress

Stress the jade Plant Blooming Hacks

Contrary to popular belief, neglecting the plant a bit would actually help it bloom. Jade plants flower when they feel a little stressed like it’s nearing winter. Take it as a survival instinct to reproduce before harsher times.

To gently stress your plant, wait for fall or winter and slowly reduce watering. Let the soil dry out completely between waterings and wait for one or two more days before watering. This slight stress can trick your jade plant into the flowering stage.

5. Use Eggshells for More Jade Plant Flowers

Eggshells won’t directly make your jade plant bloom more, but they can help create the right conditions. Eggshells are a natural source of calcium, which helps strengthen cell walls in plants. This can make your jade plant healthier, which will encourage flowering.

Plus, eggshells contain micronutrients such as potassium and phosphorus, which are also beneficial for this succulent.

To use them, crush eggshells finely and mix them into the top inch of soil around your jade plant once a month. Remember, a little goes a long way! This is better done in spring and summer when your plant is actively growing.

You can also use eggshell water to make your jade plant bloom with more flowers. Here’s a great DIY recipe for it!

6. Pruning the Plant

prunning as Jade Plant Blooming Hacks

Learning about Pruning your jade plant can actually encourage it to flower more. How? Well, it flowers on old mature branches, so you should never prune all the old growth and never trim in fall and winter–its months of flowering, unless you see dead and damaged parts.

The best time to prune a jade plant for flowering is in late spring or early summer, just after it has finished flowering. Pruning in fall can actually delay flowering.

Don’t cut more than one-third of the plant’s growth at a time. Pinch off the tips of new growth, too, to encourage even more branches and flowers!

7. Epsom Salt Hack

Epsom salt might give your flowering jade plant a little boost! It contains magnesium and sulfur that can help your jade plant to look greener and flower more.

To use it, mix one tablespoon of Epsom salt in a gallon of water. Water your jade plant with this combination once every 4-6 weeks during its growing season, and it will bloom more profusely. And don’t use it excessively.

The No. 1 Jade Plant Blooming Trick for More Flowers

Jade Plant Blooming Hacks

Jade plants come from South Africa, where nights are naturally cooler. Plus, jade plants flower best in the cooler, drier months (fall and winter) with shorter daylight hours.

If you want yours to produce more flowers, you need to strive for a nighttime temperature of about 53°F-55°F (12°C-13°C), especially in fall and winter.

To mimic this at home, try placing your plant in a cooler room. Avoid spots with drafts or near vents. You can also move it outside at night if you live in a frost-free climate where temperature doesn’t dip below 50 F (10 C).

Try out these tricks, and you’ll notice your jade plant rewarding you with more flowers. Just make sure you have a good variety. Here are the different types of jade plants that flower.

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