How to Grow Cherry Blossoms in a Pot

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Wondering How to Grow Cherry Blossoms in a Pot with limited space? These tricks will help you achieve your goal!

Cherry Blossoms in a Pot

When we think cherry blossoms, we picture a large tree full of flowers in the garden. What if you don’t have a yard, but you still dream of having one? Well, it is possible and I’ll tell you how!

Choosing the Right Variety

Before you plan to grow cherry blossoms in a pot, do note that these trees in their natural environment will grow to a height of 15-20 feet easily.

For containers, you can pick any variety you want, as the space will anyway confine the roots, making the height and spread limited. However, you may have to prune and shape the tree, from time to time, to make it fit the space.

For best flowers and ease of maintenance, go for Prunus ‘Kojo-no-mai,’ Prunus ‘Amanogawa,’ Prunus ‘Little Pink Perfection,’ Prunus ‘Snow Showers,’ or Prunus ‘The Bride.’

How to Grow Cherry Blossoms in a Pot?

Grow Cherry Blossoms in a Pot

The best way to do it is by cuttings. If you have spotted a specimen that you would like to have in a container, simply snip off 8-12 inches long hardwood cutting of the same, in late autumn or winter, when the tree is dormant.

Remove the lower leaves, put the cut-end in a rooting hormone, and plant it in a well-draining potting mix. Water well, and ensure it gets plenty of indirect light.

The cutting will take its own sweet time to grow and develop.

To save yourself from all these hassles and time, I would recommend you to get a healthy specimen from a garden centre. It will come in a pot, which, you can then re-pot into your favorite one (2 sizes bigger than the container it came in). 

Best Container Size for Cherry Blossoms

If you are starting the plant from a cutting, then I would say go for a 8-12 inches pot and then re-pot it in 1-2 size bigger container then the old one, every 3-5 years, based on the the growth and spread.

If you are buying a well grown specimen from a garden centre, say, something that’s 3-4 feet tall, then re-pot it into a 18-22 inches container the moment you get it. This will give the roots enough space to expand and grow for the next 3-5 years. After that, simply keep an eye on the growth and spread, and keep on re-potting the plant!

For bonsais, you can use a pot that’s specifically available for the job.

Maintaining Cherry Blossoms in Containers

Amazing Cherry Blossoms in Containers


As it is a flowering tree, make sure your cherry blossom gets a minimum of 4-5 hours of direct sunlight exposure every day, and then keep it safe from the harsh exposure of the afternoon sun (in warm zones).

An east facing window, balcony, or a patio is an ideal location for this plant. You can also keep its container on a roller caddy to move it around easily.

Growing Medium

Though the tree would be more than happy to thrive in 100% garden soil, I would advice you to use just 50% of it. Then, add a bit of sand, compost, perlite, and coconut coir to it to make a potent mix. For more information on how to make a growing medium at home, you should read our article!

This will help the plant to get all the needed nutrients while growing in a container, making it flower bigger and better!


The soil in the container dries out quicker, especially if you have kept cherry blossom at a spot where it gets plenty of air circulation and light (Both are important aspects for its growth).

The best way to monitor the moisture level is to keep an eye on the topsoil—water it deeply when the top 1-inch layer of the growing medium dries out a bit. Keep on pouring water till it starts to seep out from the drainage holes at the bottom, and till you see all the bubbles disappear.

Do not water the foliage to keep it safe from potential pests and disease issues.

Pruning and Trimming

Growing cherry blossoms in pots requires you to maintain them regularly, in order to keep the plant in proper shape. Trim away the criss-cross branches along with dead and damaged leaves and stems from time to time to promote airflow—this will also keep the pests away.

The best time to prune these trees is in late winter or early spring, before new growth begins.

Feeding the Tree

If you are using the growing medium suggested above, don’t worry too much about feeding the plant. To boost the flowers, pick any balanced liquid blend like 10-10-10 or 5-5-5.

I would say feeding the plant, twice a year, is more than enough when you are growing it in the pot. Do it once in early spring, just as new growth begins, and then again in late spring or early summer.

Remember to dilute the feed to half of its recommended strength.

Pests and Diseases

If you are keeping the foliage dry and the tree at a spot where it gets plenty of light and air circulation, don’t worry about pests and diseases. Spider mites and aphids may be a problem if there is too much moisture and wetness around the plant.

There, you have it! Follow these steps and care tips to make your cherry blossom thrive in a container! 

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