Want your Spider Plant to look its best during the cold? Do this one simple thing and keep it healthy and most beautiful in winter!
Native to coastal South Africa, the spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is one of the most popular houseplants among beginners! While easy to grow and fuss-free, this tropical foliage beauty isn’t cold-hardy and doesn’t like to live in dry air—here’s a simple step to keep your plant healthy in winter!
What Happens to Spider Plants in Winter
Spider plants like warm, humid environments with temperatures above 45 F (7 C). However, in winter, the air gets cooler, but more than that, it becomes drier, making it quite challenging for this houseplant to flourish, causing several issues, as listed below.
1. Crispy or Brown Leaves
Due to the dry winter air, spider plant leaves turn less colorful, rigid, and crispy. If left untreated, you will even begin to notice discoloration, namely browning of the tips of the leaves. This is because the plant loses more moisture during transpiration than it can absorb in dry air.
2. Higher Chances of Pest Infestations
Certain pests like thrips and spider mites thrive in arid conditions, which are precisely the conditions that winter brings along as you keep your home warm and toasty. Therefore, your spider plant is at high risk of being damaged by an infestation.
3. Slow Growth
High air moisture levels (40-80%) are essential for the optimal growth of this humidity-loving houseplant. Aridity will slow its growth, and it is not a healthy environment for your plant’s best appearance and survival.
Ways to Increase Humidity Levels
So, in essence, to keep your spider plant happy in winter, you need to give it ample humidity and a cozy environment. Let’s explore the various ways to do this:
1. Relocate the Plant
Low sunlight is not an issue for spider plants; therefore, in winter, you can move your plant to a room with indirect light but higher humidity levels, even if it doesn’t get much sunshine, such as in a bathroom or kitchen.
2. Humidifiers or Pebble Trays
Useful gadgets such as humidifiers help balance humidity when all else fails! If you can’t get your hands on one, simply use a pebble tray hack—the water vapor will boost moisture in the air, quenching your spider plant’s humidity needs.
You just need a saucer filled with water and pebbles and place your spider plant over it; make sure the water is always below the level of pebbles.
3. Pair with Similar Plants
Growing spider plants around other plants can be mutually beneficial. Spider plants will benefit from the increased humidity levels as water vapor released from other plants will keep them sheltered from extremities like wind, cold drafts, and temperature fluctuations and create a microclimate.
4. Growing it in a Closed Environment
You can grow spider plants in terrariums; however, it is not a common practice. Instead, covering them with plastic or growing them in a packed location will help reuse the air and increase humidity levels.
5. Misting
Finally, the easiest but not the most effective way to fulfill your spider plant’s moisture needs is to mist it with a spray bottle regularly.
However, ensure you don’t overdo it, which can lead to decay and leaf spots. In moderate amounts, this will also keep the plant dust-free!
Well, what are you waiting for? Try these out for yourself, and you’ll see the changes in your spider plant pretty soon!