18 Beautiful Ground Covers with White Flowers

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Check out the list of best Ground Covers with White Flowers and add elegance and charm to your outdoor space.

Transform your garden into a breathtaking oasis with these Ground Covers with White Flowers! Pick your favorite one out and watch it create a serene atmosphere in the garden.

Ground Covers with White Flowers

1. White Flowering Candytuft

Ground Covers with White Flowers 1

Botanical Name: Iberis sempervirens

USDA Zones: 3-9

This fascinating plant forms dense clusters of abundant white flowers, beautifully contrasting with its dark green, leathery leaves.

2. White Flowering Periwinkle

Beautiful Ground Covers with White Flowers

Botanical Name: Vinca minor ‘Alba’

USDA Zones: 4-11

White periwinkle is a low-growing shrubby ground cover plant that forms a dense mat and showcases charming white flowers along with its evergreen foliage. It grows best in bright sunlight.

3. Creeping White Phlox

Ground Covers with White Flowers ON ROCK

Botanical Name: Phlox subulata

USDA Zones: 2 to 9

Creeping white phlox is a perennial ground cover plant that forms a lush mat and bursts into a profusion of brilliant white flowers. This vigorous plant showcases dark green, needle-like leaves that provide a striking contrast to the stunning white blooms.

4. White Rock Cress

Beautiful Ground Covers with White Flowers

Botanical Name: Aubrieta deltoidei ‘Snowdrift’

USDA Zones: 5-7

White rock cress is a vigorous perennial ground cover with white flowers and grayish-green foliage. This ground cover with white flowers that form a natural carpet of pure white, blooming in spring and summer.

5. White Spotted Dead Nettle

Ground Covers with White Flowers 5

Botanical Name: Lamium maculatum ‘White Nancy’

USDA Zones: 4-8

White-flowering spotted dead nettle is a hardy perennial with heart-shaped leaves featuring a whitish band. It produces clusters of white flowers on upright stems in mid to late spring, growing 6-8″ tall and spreading up to 2-3 feet.

6. White Creeping Mazusbest Beautiful Ground Covers with White Flowers

Botanical Name: Mazus reptans ‘Alba’

USDA Zones: 5-8

Creeping mazus is a hardy perennial ground cover with small white tubular flowers and dense foliage. It spreads quickly, has bright green leaves that withstand foot traffic, and thrives in full sun to partial shade.

7. White Bugleweedlovely Ground Covers with White Flowers 7

Botanical Name: Ajuga reptans ‘Alba’

USDA Zones: 3-10

The ‘Alba’ cultivar of white bugleweed is a fast-growing, spreading ground cover with delicate white flowers. It form a hardy carpet of leafy rosettes and produce beautiful white blooms on short spikes in spring.

8. White Stonecrop

Beautiful Ground Covers with White Flowers on rock

Botanical Name: Sedum album

USDA Zones: 4-11

White stonecrop, a perennial evergreen ground cover, exhibits a captivating charm with its succulent foliage and elegant white star-shaped flowers that grace the summer season. This remarkable plant can be easily recognized by its slender, finger-like leaves.

9. White Creeping Thyme

Ground Covers with White Flowers 9

Botanical Name: Thymus serpyllum ‘Albus’

USDA Zones: 5-9

This delightful plant forms a dense mat of small, dark-green leaves adorned by a profusion of scented white flowers, resulting in an attractive carpet-like appearance.

10. Snow-in-Summer

Gorgeous White Flowers on the Ground

Botanical Name: Cerastium tomentosum

USDA Zones: 3-7

Snow-in-summer, true to its name, flourishes as a vast expanse of immaculate white flowers that grace the late spring and early summer seasons. These captivating flowers exhibit a star-like structure with four petals surrounding a sunny yellow center.

11. Sweet Woodruff

Ground Covers with White Flowers

Botanical Name: Galium odoratum

USDA Zones: 4-8

Sweet woodruff is a perennial ground cover that thrives in shaded areas, boasting an enchanting presence with its spreading growth habit and delightful white flowers. This captivating plant emits a strong and pleasant fragrance.

12. White Campanula

Gorgeous White Flowers on the Ground

Botanical Name: Campanula carpatica ‘White Clips’

USDA Zones: 4-9

Campanula, a low-growing perennial, stands out with its remarkable bell-shaped or funnel-shaped white flowers. It forms vibrant green foliage and exquisite snow-white blooms.

13. White CranesbillGround Covers with White Flowers 13

Botanical Name: Geranium clarkei ‘Kashmir White’

USDA Zones: 5-8

Cranesbill, a sun-loving perennial, delights with an abundance of dainty white flowers that grace the landscape throughout the spring and summer seasons. This captivating plant stands out with its attractive leaves, along with its large white blossoms.

14. White Veronica

Gorgeous White Flower Ground Covers

Botanical Name: Spike Speedwell

USDA Zones: 3-8

White veronica, a clumping herbaceous perennial, showcases its splendor through striking white flowers that adorn tall spikes. It is easy to identify by their slender, dark-green arching leaves.

15. Bishop’s Weed

Gorgeous White Flower Ground Covers in garden

Botanical Name: Aegopodium podagraria

USDA Zones: 4-9

Bishop’s weed, also popular as ground elder, is a perennial plant with white flowers and is quite popular as a ground cover. This herbaceous species has tall umbrella-like white flower heads and lanceolate leaves.

16. Bloodroot

Gorgeous White Flower Ground Covers in garden

Botanical Name: Sanguinaria canadensis

USDA Zones: 3-8

Bloodroot is a perennial herb that serves as a ground cover and displays white flowers during the late winter or early spring seasons. It is easy to look after all year round.

17. Pachysandra

Ground Covers with White Flowers 17

Botanical Name: Pachysandra terminalis

USDA Zones: 5-9

Pachysandra offers both deer resistance and low susceptibility to insects and diseases. It typically reaches a height of approximately 6 inches, forming a lush carpet of small white flowers during the spring season.

18. Lily of the Valley

Stunning White Flower Ground Covers

Botanical Name: Convallaria majalis

USDA Zones: 3-9

The delicate, icy white blossoms create a striking contrast against the plant’s light green foliage. This charming plant thrives in areas with partial shade.

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