8 Tricks to Grow a Big and Giant Geranium Tree

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Want to learn how to grow a geranium tree? Well, it is easy and can be quite a fun training the plant this way!

Big and Giant Geranium Tree

When we picture geraniums, we think about plants that are growing in the border, or small pots, or window boxes, thriving with beautiful flowers. However, do you know that these can be trained to grow as mini trees, too?

How to Grow a Geranium Tree?

1. Choose the Right Variety

Big and Giant Geranium Tree  2

Go for Geranium psilostemon (4-5 feet) and Pelargonium ‘Lord Bute (3-4 feet),’ which has tall, upright stems and clusters of vivid flowers. Geranium maderense (4-5 feet) and Pelargonium ‘Tall Dark & Handsome (3-5 feet)’ are also great picks, as these have sturdy stems that can grow into a small tree-like structure, if trained well from an early stage.

2. Initial Pruning

Don’t wait for your Geranium to grow naturally tall, it is not going to achieve the height quickly unless you apply some tricks! If you want to shape it into a beautiful small tree, you will have to start training the plant when it’s young.

Start trimming off the side shoots. What it will do is help the plant to divert its energy to the main, central stem, making it sturdy over time. A sole main stem will also help the plant to look like a mini tree.

3. Support It!

Geranium Tree indoor 5

After you prune and get that central stem, stake the plant with a sturdy support to keep it upright. Use a plastic or a bamboo pole, as they are light weight and easy to use.

Just make sure not to tie too tightly as it can damage the main central stem. Also, use a cotton string for the job.

4. Potting Mix and Soil

Geraniums are not fussy when it comes to the growing medium and do pretty well in regular garden soil. However, if you want them to do well and boost their growth, go for potting mix with equal amounts of soil, peat moss, and perlite.

This will promote nutrient uptake in the plant, helping its central stem to grow thicker and stronger for that typical, tree-like look.

5. Fertilization

Do not just start feeding the plant whenever you like it or follow some routine that you read on the internet for geraniums. While training these beauties to have a tree-like appearance, it is important to feed them at the right intervals.

Firstly, use a balanced liquid fertilizer (10-10-10) for the job. Also, dilute it to 1/4 of its strength. Use it first when you prune the side shoots of the plant, the first part of the training process.

Then, feed it every 2-3 weeks. The low dose will keep it safe from the burns and a constant supply of nutrients will boost the plant while it develops its shape.

6. Perfect Sunlight

Big and Giant Geranium Tree in garden 8

Geraniums thrive in full sunlight, so ensure your plant receives at least six to eight hours of light daily. basically, the more sunlight, the BETTER!

Keeping it in a shade is a big NO as it will stunt its growth and your dreams of making it have a tree like shape will never be fulfilled.

7. Pick the Right Sized Pot

Its important to use a right sized pot (1-2 sizes bigger than the root ball of the plant), especially when it is young, as this will accommodate too much growing medium, which can soak in excess moisture that can attract root rot.

It will also trick the plant to use all its energy to expand the root system to fill in the excess space in the container, rather than using its energy to grow the plant upwards and have a good height.

8. Pest and Disease Management

Keep an eye out for common pests such as aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies, which can infest geraniums and hinder their growth, which can stop them from getting a tree-like appearance.

To control pests, you should gently wash the plant with a steady stream of water or treat it with insecticidal soap.

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