11 Fragrant Mint Varieties for Herb Garden

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Love growing herbs? Get acquainted with the best 11 Fragrant Mint Varieties for your herb garden indoors or outdoors.

Explore the aromatic world of mint with these Fragrant Mint Varieties for Herb Garden. Each mint type boasts a unique scent, from refreshing peppermint to chocolatey notes and citrusy hints. Learn how to cultivate these delightful herbs and elevate your culinary creations.

Fragrant Mint Varieties

1. Peppermint

Mint Varieties 1

Botanical Name: Mentha × piperita

Peppermint is perhaps the most well-known mint variety known for its strong, refreshing peppermint scent. You can grow it in small but wider pots or raised beds but don’t forget about its invasiveness.

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2. Spearmint

Fragrant Mint Varieties for Herb Garden

Botanical Name: Mentha spicata

Spearmint is the most used herb in the kitchen, compared to peppermint; this one is known for its less prominent but refreshing. It is suitable to flavor beverages, salads, desserts and many main course dishes.

3. Chocolate Mint

Fragrant Mint Varieties

Botanical Name: Mentha × piperita f. citrata ‘Chocolate’

This mint variety is distinguished by its delightful chocolatey aroma and dark-green to purple-tinged leaves on the chocolate-colored stems. It is popular for flavoring desserts, hot chocolate and beverages.

4. Orange Mint

best Fragrant Mint Varieties

Botanical Name: Mentha aquatica var. citrata

As the name suggests, orange mint is known for its bright and citrusy scent reminiscent of fresh oranges. This aromatic herb not only enhances teas and fruit salads but also serves as an invigorating garnish.

5. Lavender Mint

best Fragrant Mint Varieties for Herb Garden

Botanical Name: Mentha × piperita ‘Lavender’

Lavender mint combines the soothing aroma of lavender with the freshness of mint. This unique herb is ideal for making herbal teas thus adding a delightful twist to your recipes.

6. Pineapple Mint

Mint Varieties for Herb Garden

Botanical Name: Mentha suaveolens ‘Variegata’

This mint variety features a pineapple-like scent that adds a tropical twist to your garden with its striking variegated leaves that combine shades of green and creamy white.

7. Apple Mint

best Scented Mint Types for Herb Gardens

Botanical Name: Mentha suaveolens

Apple mint, also known as woolly mint, is characterized by its apple-like aroma and hairy leaves with toothed edges. It’s a great choice for herbal teas, fruitful flavor dishes, mojitos, and potpourri.

8. Basil Mint

Scented Mint Types for Herb Gardens

Botanical Name: Mentha × piperita ‘Basil’

Basil mint combines the scents of basil and mint, resulting in a unique and refreshing combination. It is a favored choice for use in salads, sauces and beverages while offering ornamental value in gardens and pots.

9. Ginger Mint

beautiful Scented Mint Types for Herb Gardens

Botanical Name: Mentha × gentilis ‘Variegata’

Ginger mint offers a spicy, ginger-like scent that’s both invigorating and aromatic. It features variegated leaves.

10. Lemon Mint

amazing Scented Mint Types for Herb Gardens

Botanical Name: Mentha × piperita ‘Citrata’

Mentha × piperita ‘Citrata,’ also known as Citronella mint, features leaves with a citrusy aroma reminiscent of lemons. This mint variety is often used for making teas, beverages and culinary dishes.

11. Eau de Cologne Mint

Mint Varieties with Fragrances for Herb Gardens

Botanical Name: Mentha × piperita ‘Eau de Cologne’

Named after the famous fragrance, this mint variety has a refreshing perfume reminiscent of cologne. If you love fragrant plants, this is a must-grow in your to-be mint garden.

Do’s and Don’ts of Growing Best Mint Ever

When To Grow Mint

  • You can grow mint year-round indoors, but if you live in a really cold climate it is best planted in the spring once the last frost has passed. You can sow seeds or use cuttings from existing mint plants.
  • It’s essential to know that mint can be quite invasive, so consider planting it in a pot to control its spread.
  • Mint is a hardy plant but prefers warm weather. When cold weather approaches, typically in the mid-fall, you can simply bring the pot indoors to a sunny windowsill or a bright room, and it will continue growing indoors during the winter months.

Container Size for Growing Mint

  • The ideal container size for growing mint depends on the number of plants and the specific varieties you plan to cultivate.
  • Choose a pot with drainage holes with a minimum depth of 6 to 8 inches and width as much as possible.
  • Vertical planters and hanging baskets are also options, as all types of mint varieties are super easy to grow.
  • You can also utilize railing planters and window boxes for growing mint plants and creating an amazing mint garden.

Grow Unlimited Supply of Mint With This One Trick

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