Force Monstera to Grow Big Monster Leaves: 6 Tricks

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Learn How to Force Monstera to Grow Big and Bold Monster Leaves with these tips and tricks; your plant will have lush foliage!

How to Force Monstera to Grow Big Monster Leaves

When it comes to houseplants, there’s nothing more spectacular than a Monstera with big, fenestrated leaves. You may think that the size of the leaves is out of your hands, but there are things you can do to achieve it with our 7 best tips!

How to Force Monstera to Grow Big Monster Leaves

1. Start with Mature Cuttings

Start with Mature Cuttings

One of the fastest ways to encourage your Monstera to produce big, dramatic leaves is to start with mature cuttings.

Monstera cuttings with fenestrated (split) leaves bypass the juvenile growth stage and begin growing larger even more quickly because they retain the genetic blueprint from their mature state.

When selecting it, choose the one that is mature and perforated, cutting below a leaf node with an aerial root.

2. Provide Vertical Support with a Moss Pole

Provide Vertical Support with a Moss Pole

In the wild, Monsteras are natural climbers; they reach the light by growing up on trees. Mimicking this behavior indoors is a key step in achieving larger leaves.

Of course, mature ones need the support, but when you plant a cutting, provide vertical support immediately to guide the plant’s growth upwards.

Use a moss pole or coconut coir pole to encourage your Monstera to climb. This will stimulate it to grow bigger and have more impressive leaves. The plant will secure its aerial roots to the pole, but you can use soft plant ties or clips to help it attach itself better.

Pro Tip: Keep the pole moist by misting it, as this hydrates the aerial roots, which promotes their growth. Coconut coir poles are a great option if you want better moisture retention.

3. Imitate Natural Wind with Gentle Stimulation

Imitate Natural Wind with Gentle Stimulation

Wind plays a vital role in strengthening the plant’s stems and growth. When wind moves through a plant, the mechanical stress affects the distribution of auxin, a hormone that stimulates cell growth.

You can mimic this effect by gently brushing the plant’s leaves and stems for 30 seconds daily using a soft cloth or even your hand. Additionally, placing your Monstera in an area with light, consistent airflow, such as near a fan set to a low speed or by an open window (while avoiding drafts), can further encourage strong, healthy growth.

4. Encourage Light and Humidity Levels

Encourage Light and Humidity Levels

Monsteras come from tropical forests, growing under the shade of tall trees. They like bright, indirect light near windows but not direct sunlight. If the stems are elongated and the leaves don’t have fenestration, the plant isn’t getting enough light. On the other hand, brown spots or faded leaves mean it’s getting too much light.

These plants also thrive in high humidity levels of 60% to 80%. To maintain this, you can group your Monstera with other plants to create a naturally humid environment through their release of water vapor.

Another simple option is to use a pebble tray like this. A cool mist humidifier works well for larger spaces or dry seasons; keep it near the plant but not too close.

5. Provide a CO₂ Boost

Higher levels of carbon dioxide (CO₂) can enhance photosynthesis in plants, indirectly supporting larger leaf production.

You can place your Monstera in a well-ventilated area, such as a kitchen where natural CO₂ levels are higher during cooking, providing a boost.

Combining this with optimal light, humidity, and a healthy soil mix can help your Monstera grow faster and produce larger leaves.

6. Always Use Aroid Soil Mix

Use a Custom Aroid Soil Mix

For a healthy root system, use a well-draining soil mix that retains some moisture and is enriched with organic matter like compost to support rapid growth. Adding perlite or pumice helps with drainage, and a slow-release fertilizer provides extra nutrients.

Monsteras prefer a soil pH of 5.5 to 7, which can be adjusted with lime or sulfur if needed; a pH testing kit is helpful for monitoring.

While pre-made Monstera mixes are convenient, you can make your own by mixing 5 parts orchid bark, 3 parts coconut coir or peat moss, 3 parts perlite, 2 parts activated charcoal, and 2 parts worm castings or compost for an ideal custom blend.

This soil mix recipe is a great starting point but is not a one-size-fits-all solution. You might need to adjust the ingredients. For example, if you live in a very humid environment, you might want to increase the amount of perlite to improve drainage. The key is to observe your plant and adjust the mix accordingly.

When you’re starting to follow this regime to have a Monstera with bigger leaves? Share in comments!

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