16 Dark Blue Flowers for the Garden

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Dark Blue Flowers comes with a distinct royal hue that not only contrasts well with the other blooms, but also make for a striking display!

Flowers, be them of any colors, are always an amazing choice for any sort of display arrangement, or a garden. If you are someone who loves deep hued ones, these blossoms, with dark blue colors, will surely appeal you!

Dark Blue Flowers

Do note that some of the blooms on this list may have a hint of purple or lavender in their hue. 

1. Grape Hyacinth

Dark Blue Flowers 1

Botanical Name: Muscari armeniacum

These dark blue flowers stay compact, and also grow well in the mix of sun and shade, making them a good choice for a shaded patio, too!

2. Balloon Flower

Dark Blue Flowers in garden

Botanical Name: Platycodon grandiflorus

Well, the blooms of this plant have a star like look to them, but the affix ‘balloon’ comes from the buds, that appear like them in the early stage!

3. Pacific Giant Delphinium

Beautiful Dark Blue Flowers

Botanical Name: Delphinium elatum

The towering delphiniums are a star edition to any garden setting, especially where they can get some good sun exposure. The flowers contrast really well with the deep green foliage.

4. Peach Leaved Bellflower

Blue Flowers for the Garden 7

Botanical Name: Campanula persicifolia

Good for baskets, you can also grow these dark blue flowers as border plants, where they will add a mix of purple and blue hue to the garden.

5. Solitary Clematis

Beautiful Blue Flowers for the Garden
Image Professionals / Strauss, Friedrich

Botanical Name: Clematis arabella

This comes in the color palette of light blue, which might make it appear as purple from certain angles. Nevertheless, the plant is striking, and does well in plenty of sunlight.

6. Bluebell

Amazing Blue Flowers for the Garden

Botanical Name: Hyacinthoides hispanica

Small and striking, these plants stay under 2-3 feet, making them a perfect fit for small places where you would want clusters of blue flowers!

7. Blue Jacaranda

Unique Blue Flowers for the Garden 5

Botanical Name: Jacaranda mimosifolia

Well, it does look purple in the pictures, but the flowers have a blue appeal when you see them in the natural light. A great plant for warm regions!

8. Bluebeard

Amazing Blue Flowers for the Garden 3

Botanical Name: Caryopteris x clandonensis

The deep green foliage and flowers of this plant on slender spikes put up quite a show! The best part? This is small and handy, making sure you can keep it in pots anywhere!

9. Blue Marguerite

Amazing Blue Flowers for the Garden 4

Botanical Name: Felicia amelloides

The daisy like flowers of this plant have a mix of purple and blue in their hue, that leans on the latter shade as the blooms mature. It needs good sunlight exposure to blossom well.

10. Chicory

Amazing Dark Blue Flowers for the Garden

Botanical Name: Cichorium intybus

The mix of light and dark blue in the flowers look so spectacular, you would want a multiple of these for your garden! The plant is also really easy to maintain.

11. Siberian Iris

Dark Blue Flowers 11

Botanical Name: Iris sibirica

If you want a ‘proper dark blue flower’ for the garden, this is it! I mean look at the picture above! The plant grows well in all type of soil and conditions.

12. African Lily

Dark Blue Flowers for the Garden pot

Botanical Name: Agapanthus africanus

Beautiful flowers on tender, tall spikes—this is what this plant is all about! The blooms have a circular structure and blossom best in plenty of sunlight.

13. Siberian Bugloss

Dark Blue Flowers 13

Botanical Name: Brunnera macrophylla

The clusters of light blue to dark flowers of this plant look amazing with the light green foliage. If your garden doesn’t get much sun, this is an apt choice.

14. Great Blue Lobelia

Unique Dark Blue Flowers for the Garden 8

Botanical Name: Lobelia siphilitica

Well, it has blue in its name for a reason! The flowers get the true tone when they mature a bit, and act as a magnet for hummingbirds and butterflies.

15. Siberian Squill

Dark Blue Flowers 15

Botanical Name: Scilla siberica

Stubby and beautiful, these are the words that describe this plant that grows strong even in occasional shade. A great border specimen it can be, for sure, with blue flowers!

16. Mountain Blue

Beautiful Dark Blue Flowers for the Garden

Botanical Name: Centaurea montana

Last on the list is a creeping one that grows clusters of purple-blue flowers. The only thing it needs to look this best is plenty of sunlight all day long.

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