16 Best Trailing Peperomias to Grow Indoors

Stephanie is a Senior Horticulturist specializing in tropical plants, succulents, and herbs. She combines her love of plants and words to create informative and engaging content for readers.
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Here are the Best Trailing Peperomias that will look great in pots and hanging baskets! They are perfect to add an appeal to modern living spaces!

If you love your plants in hanging baskets, then here are the Best Trailing Peperomias you can grow and see them cascading beautifully! They are easy to maintain and look fabulous!

Best Trailing Peperomias

1. Cupid Peperomia

Best Trailing Peperomias for Growing Indoors 1

Botanical Name: Peperomia scandens ‘Variegata’

This trailing variety is the variegated version of peperomia scandens! As the name suggests, the heart-shaped light-green leaves have creamy gold edges. It is fast-growing and low-maintenance, ideal for hanging baskets and busy gardeners.

2. Isabella Peperomia

Best Trailing Peperomias for Growing Indoors 2

Botanical Name: Peperomia hoffmanii

The plant features pretty small succulent leaves on round rope-like trailing vines. This creeper is an ideal choice for hanging baskets! Isabella Peperomia’s small size makes it perfect for desks and shelves in your house.

3. Perciliata Peperomia

Perciliata Peperomia in pot

Botanical Name: Peperomia perciliata

This beautiful peperomia cultivar spreads up to 8-10 inches. The small, heart-shaped green leaves on red stems look adorable. Ideal for tabletops or shelves, it also does well in hanging baskets where its compact spread is fully displayed.

4. Vining Peperomia

Trailing Peperomias for Growing Indoors

Botanical Name: Peperomia serpens

The heart-shaped leaves have deep veins, and the trailing growth pattern makes it ideal for hanging baskets and terrariums. It thrives in high humidity and filtered light, which it can get either at a location like a kitchen or Bathroom or in terrariums.

5. String of Turtles

Top Trailing Peperomia Plants for Indoor Growth

Botanical Name: Peperomia prostrata

This trailing variety offers round, dark green to purple-hued foliage patterned in white veins. It looks great in hanging baskets, cascading over the sides of the containers. Peperomia prostrata grows best in shallow pots with well-draining soil, which helps it prevent root rot.

6. Red Edge Peperomia

Red Edge Peperomia in hanging pot

Botanical Name: Peperomia clusiifolia

This attractive houseplant displays green leaves with a cream strip that wanes to pink and then red around the edges. The rope-like red vining stems add more beauty to its look! Red-edge Peperomia prefers slightly dry conditions, making it a low-maintenance choice for beginners.

7. Beetle Peperomia

Trailing Peperomias for Indoors 1

Botanical Name: Peperomia quadrangularis

Beetle peperomia is another beautiful trailing cultivar that is worth growing in your home in hanging planters! It offers dark green leaves on red stems. It can be propagated easily by stem cuttings, which makes it a fun plant for propagation projects.

8. Ruby Cascade Peperomiabest Trailing Peperomias for Indoors

Botanical Name: Peperomia ‘Ruby Cascade’

This lovely peperomia variety has coin-like green leaves with purple undersides on thin ruby-red stems. Ruby Cascade Peperomia enjoys a mix of morning sun and shade, so give it a spot near an east-facing window.

9. Belly Button Peperomia

Trailing Peperomias for Indoor Plant Growth

Botanical Name: Peperomia verticillata

This longest trailing variety grows up to 2-4 feet long, covering the pot beautifully with oval, small, velvety-textured, deep green leaves. Belly button peperomia is a vigorous grower that thrives when watered sparingly.

10. Vining Pepper Plant

Peperomia dahlstedtii in pot indoors

Botanical Name: Peperomia dahlstedtii

This epiphyte peperomia variety shows off longitudinal light green stripes on the dark green leaves that contrast really well with the thin stems. It does well in partially shaded areas but prefers bright, indirect light for faster growth.

11. Creeping Hearts Peperomia

Greatest Trailing Peperomias for Indoor Growth

Botanical Name: Peperomia fagerlindii

Peperomia Fagerlindii offers round leaves on purple stems. The foliage has a distinct heart shape, which looks stunning and is perfect for creating lush trailing effects in small spaces.

12. Japonica Peperomia

The Greatest Trailing Peperomias for Indoor Growth

Botanical Name: Peperomia japonica

This small-leafed cultivar features tiny oval-shaped green leaves that beautifully cover the entire pot. Peperomia japonica prefers a well-lit spot but can tolerate low light, so you can set it in any corner of the house.

13. Trailing Jade


Botanical Name: Peperomia rotundifolia

This delightful cultivar exhibits plumped round leaves with unnoticeable light stripes on trailing stems. Its subtle light stripes become more pronounced if it is grown in moderate sunlight.

14. Parallel Peperomia

best Top Trailing Peperomia Plants for Indoor Growth 2

Botanical Name: Peperomia tetragona

The almond-shaped foliage has alternating stripes in the green and off-white shades that pair perfectly with the orange stems. These green and off-white stripes look beautiful in modern apartments.

15. Itsy Bitsy Peperomia

best Top Trailing Peperomia Plants for Indoor Growth

Botanical Name: Peperomia rubella

The two-tone foliage of the plant, with green on top and maroon on the bottom looks stunning on scarlet stems. Give it a lot of bright indirect light for the best color.

16. Eburnea Peperomia

Eburnea Peperomia in pot

Botanical Name: Peperomia eburnea

This trailing cultivar showcases elegant heart-shaped leaves with tulip-like tips and prominent white mid-vein on red stems. Peperomia eburnea needs regular misting to maintain its glossy appearance, especially in dry environments.

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