5 Best Silver Flowers that Look So Beautiful

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Are you bored of seeing the same old red and yellow blooms in your garden? Then bring diversity to your landscape with these Silver Flowers!

You must have seen numerous plant species with stunning silver foliage, like Lavender ‘Silver Anouk,’ Brunnera macrophylla ‘Sterling Silver,’ or Sempervivum ‘Pacific Blue Ice.’ Right! What about silver flowers? Whether they exist or not. The answer is yes, they do! Read on to learn about these amazing specimens.

Best Silver Flowers

1. Silver ThistleBest Silver Flowers that Look So Beautiful

Botanical Name: Carlina acaulis

Silver thistle displays large flowerheads of silvery ray florets and yellow-brown disc florets from August to September. Each flower head is 10 cm long and can be eaten cooked like globe artichokes.

2. Miss Willmott’s Ghosttop Best Silver Flowers that Look So Beautiful

Botanical Name: Eryngium giganteum

Eryngium giganteum, also known as sea holly, attracts eyeballs with clusters of bluish-silver flowers tightly packed on egg-shaped heads. The silvery-white bracts take the flowers’ appearance to a whole new level.

3. Silver Ghosttop Best Silver Flowers that Look So Beautiful

Botanical Name: Eryngium giganteum ‘Silver Ghost’

The Silver Ghost is a striking variation of the Eryngium giganteum. It’s popular for the shimmering, ghostly silver-white bracts surrounding the blossoms perched atop strong, silvery stems.

4. Edelweissbeautiful Best Silver Flowers that Look So Beautiful

Botanical Name: Leontopodium alpinum

Native to the European Alps, edelweiss produces snowy white flowers that look silvery in certain light conditions. These blooms have a strong scent, so they are often used to make perfumes. Plus, you can also use them for cut and dried floral arrangements.

Read about Edelweiss Flower Care and Growing Information

5. Silver Sage

Amazing Best Silver Flowers that Look So Beautiful

Botanical Name: Salvia argentea

Silver sage is an exceptional short-lived perennial whose foliage is silvery in the spring and, on maturity, becomes greenish grey. Later in the second year, it produces tall, candelabra-like, silvery-white flowering spikes.

Take a Look at these Classy Silver Leaf Houseplants

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