8 Best Indoor Jasmine Varieties to Grow

Raul is an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA degree, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities.
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Discover the Best Indoor Jasmine Plant Varieties to grow one in your home and invite a delightful fragrance!

The Jasminum genus has over 200 species that bloom all across warm regions such as Asia and Eurasia. Usually grown outdoors, there are a few species that can become successful indoor plants as well. If you too want to include it in your home, then keep reading.

Check out the amazing benefits of jasmine plants here

Best Indoor Jasmine Varieties

As all of these are flowering plants, make sure that you grow them in a spot where they get at least 3-5 hours of direct sunlight every day, but obviously, the more, the better.

1. White Jasmine

Botanical Name: Jasminum polyanthum

It is one of the best jasmines to grow indoors, thanks to its limited length as compared to the other varieties. Its pink-tinged flower buds turn into beautiful star-shaped blooms that exude a sweet but powerful fragrance.

How to Care

These plants grow up to 4-6 feet long without regular pruning in the perfect indoor setting if you keep it near a south or west-facing window that receives ample sun.

2. Arabian Jasmine

Botanical Name: Jasminum sambac

This variety has the most luxurious scent that you will most likely recognize. Loved by kings and dukes, the Arabian Jasmine is well known for its lovely blooming flowers and its sweet aroma!

How to Care

This variety grows upto 2-6 feet in height. If you have a room with a balcony, this will be a great plant to have!

3. Spanish Jasmine

Best Indoor Jasmine Varieties 2

Botanical Name: Jasminum grandiflorum

Being semi-deciduous, it allows the plant to shed when new growth is coming in, making it super easy for you to care for. Keeping this in your home will instill aromatherapy into your daily routines.

How to Care

The plant is a slow grower, so you don’t have to prune it as much. Give it plenty of natural sunlight for abundant flowers.

4. Common Jasmine


Botanical Name: Jasminum officinale

Also famous as the poet’s Jasmine, it is considered as the real Jasmine. Outdoors, it can be huge, if you’re growing it indoors, you don’t have to worry much about the length.

How to Care

Make sure to select a spot that receives direct sun and keep it slightly root-bound. As it needs support, training it on a window grill would be a great idea.

5. Winter Jasmine

Best Indoor Jasmine Varieties 3

Botanical Name: Jasminum nudiflorum

This gorgeous yellow-blooming climber is perfect for any home, especially in entrance and semi-indoor settings. With no particular scent, this variety is popular for its vibrant and brilliant blooms. Appearing in late winter or early spring, this plant is also famous as the ‘flower that welcomes spring’ in China!

How to Care

This variety may grow quite tall, so regular pruning will ensure it stays in shape. Also, save it from cold drafts of air.

Two of these listed below may not be from the same Jasminum family but are also considered a type of jasmine.

6. Madagascar Jasmine


Botanical Name: Stephanotis floribunda

Native to Madagascar, the vine looks beautiful when trained on a wire hoop. With a sweet scent, the star-shaped tubular blooms are a joy to look at!

How to Care

It’s easy to grow indoors, but a few hours of morning sun exposure make it even easier.

7. Star Jasmine


Botanical Name: Trachelospermum jasminoides

Star Jasmine will grab your attention with its star-like white flowers and amazing sweet smell. As it grows quite tall and fast, regular pruning is the best way to keep it in shape.

How to Care

The plant is susceptible to mealy bugs and scales. It also oozes out a milky sap while pruning, which may be irritating to some–so be mindful of that.

8. Gardenia

Best Indoor Jasmine Varieties 4Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides

With stunning flowers and scent like no other flower, this shrub is a perfect choice if you love fragrant plants.

How to Care

As it loves acidic soil, maintain it and provide at least 4-6 hours of direct light for more flowers.

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