7 African Violet Watering Tips

Stephanie is a Senior Horticulturist specializing in tropical plants, succulents, and herbs. She combines her love of plants and words to create informative and engaging content for readers.
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These African Violet Watering Tips are useful, out-of-the-box tricks that can make your houseplant thrive with beautiful flowers!6 African Violet Watering Tips

Do you have an African violet that’s just not thriving? Are its leaves and blooms a little droopy and blah? These beauties need just the right amount of water to support their short-lived, colorful blooms. With our expert watering tips, you’ll finally crack the code!

African Violet Watering Tips

1. Watering with a Wick

Doing It With a Wick

African violets have fuzzy foliage that can trap water with overhead watering. If left unchecked, this can lead to crown rot. You could use a paintbrush this way or use a wick to handle this issue.

Wicks are usually made of cotton or nylon, but a braided rope will also do the trick. Just cut a long piece of wick, submerge it in a bucket of water, and then place its other end in the plant’s pot, ensuring it touches the soil. Here’s the DIY.

It will gradually transport moisture to the soil, providing a steady and controlled water supply. For a busy plant owner, this trick removes the need for frequent watering and prevents both underwatering and overwatering.

2. Try Bottom Watering

Try Bottom Watering

Why bottom watering? Well, it prevents leaf problems. It encourages stronger, deeper root growth by forcing the roots to reach down for water, prevents overwatering by allowing the plant to absorb only the moisture it needs, and keeps foliage dry, preventing leaf disease.

Place the potted African violet in a shallow dish or tray filled with tepid, distilled water and allow the plant to soak for 20-30 minutes. The soil will absorb the moisture through the drainage holes, and once you see that moisture at the top of the soil, your work is done!

Allow any excess water to drain completely before you place the plant back in its usual spot. And if you need an in-depth guide, here it is!

3. Using Room-Temperature WaterUsing Room-Temperature Water

Sudden changes in water temperature can shock the roots, leading to slow growth and reduced blooming. When watering African violets, ensure it is in the range of 65-75 F (18-24 C) to prevent thermal shock.

Fill a container with tap water and let it sit uncovered overnight before use. Doing so brings the water to room temperature and settles down the chlorine and fluorides, preventing salt build-up around the roots and on the plant’s foliage.

Pro Tip: If you can collect rainwater, your African violets will love you for it! Rainwater is naturally soft and free of the chemicals often found in tap water. Just make sure it’s at room temperature before using it. You can also use RO or distilled water for the plant.

4. Letting the Soil DryLetting The Soil Dry

Sometimes, the very basic thing that you’re careless about can come back and harm your plant. In the case of African violets, it’s keeping them moist all the time. Avoid the common mistake of watering on a set schedule rather than based on soil moisture levels.

Before watering, always check if the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. If the soil sticks to your finger, wait a few more days before watering, and if it is slightly dry and crumbly, it is time to hydrate the plant.

Note: It’s important to let the soil dry out a bit, but don’t leave your plant parched. African violets are sensitive to drought and can suffer if they remain dry for too long. The key is to balance keeping the soil moist and allowing it to dry out slightly between watering sessions. 

Don’t want to get your hands dirty? Why don’t you try this pencil hack to check if your plant needs water?

5. Humidity Tray to Avoid Frequent Watering

Humidity Tray To Avoid Frequent Watering

Instead of watering your African violets frequently, you can increase humidity to help your plant maintain proper moisture levels. A simple way to do this is to use a humidity tray. Fill a shallow tray with pebbles and add water till below the pebbles’ surface.

Place the pot near the plant so that moisture from the tray evaporates, creating a humid microclimate around it. You’ll notice reduced water loss from the leaves and no dryness, which often leads to brittle foliage.

African violets thrive in high humidity levels of about 60%, so this watering tip will also help your plants grow better!

6. The “Dunk and Drain” Method

The "Dunk and Drain" Method

Dunk and drain is actually a variation of bottom watering. Basically, you submerge the pot entirely in water which helps the soil hydrate fully, reaching all parts of the root system. It also helps flush out mineral buildup from fertilizers, which can harm African violets.

Fill a container that is slightly larger than your pot with tepid water. Dunk the pot completely, ensuring the water level is below the top to avoid soil spillage. Leave it submerged until the soil is fully saturated and the pot gets heavier.

Once saturated, remove the pot and allow it to drain completely. Don’t leave it sitting in water for a while; the excess moisture should be able to drain freely. After draining, return the pot to its usual location. Or, you could display it like this in your home!

7. Watering from the Top

Watering from the Top

Watering your African violets from the top might seem like the most obvious way, but you need to do it right. When you water from the top, the water flows down through the soil, reaching all the roots and ensuring they get a good drink.

It helps your plant grow strong and produce beautiful blooms. Plus, top watering can also help flush out any excess salts or minerals that might build up in the soil, keeping it fresh and healthy for your plant.

Of course, there’s the problem of spilling—so water gently and avoid wetting the foliage. If you do, dab it off carefully with a soft cloth. Here’s what to do and what to avoid when it comes to top watering!

Use these African violet watering tips and we guarantee your plant will thank you with healthy growth and tons of blooms year round! Do let us know your experience in the comments below.

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