Whether you are a rosarian, a beginner or a serial rose killer, you will love these interesting, informative and fun illustrations that will teach you everything you need to know about growing roses.
1. See below in the illustration, the basics of growing and planting roses.
2. Starting to grow roses? Figure out how to do this step by step in this flowchart
3. Complete Rose Maintenance: In this chart (1 – 11), you can see how you need to treat your rose bush.
4. What are the easiest rose varieties? You might have known but the chart given here can be useful for you.
5. What are the Best Companions for Roses? Take help of this chart. You can save or share it for later use.

6. Though all roses are closely related to one another, there are still some determining characteristics for each. It’s easy to find a type that suits your needs, just follow this handy chart on approximate rose height.
Rose Varieties
7. Look through this chart to find out perfect rose varieties you can pick according to color.
8. Hybrid teas produce the showiest blooms. Below are some Hybrid Tea Rose Varieties
9. Autumn Roses

The illustrations given below are facilitative. Various Rose Propagation Methods.
10. Rose Propagation by Air Layering
11. Starting Rose Bush from Cutting
12. Propagating Roses in Potatoes
13. Rooting Roses in Plastic Bottle
14. Another Diagram on Propagating Roses in Potatoes (covered with glass jar)
Planting Roses
15. Planting bare root roses? Find out how to do it in this handy chart
16. Planting Roses from container or nursery pot into the ground
These three excellent illustrations will teach you the proper way of Pruning Roses
17. Pruning Roses
18. Pruning Roses
19. Pruning Roses
Rose Grafting is an important technique, and if you face problem in grafting roses, these diagrams might help you.
20. Rose Grafting
21. Rose Grafting
Roses are heavy feeders and fertilizing them is an important task.
22. Epsom Salt for Roses
23. Using Banana Peel to Fertilize Roses
24. Let’s meet with the pests and diseases that affect the rose plant in the chart given below. This will help you in identifying them.
25. Make an organic rose fungus killer with the help of this recipe. All the products used are common in any home.
26. Identify rose nutrient deficiency symptoms using this chart
27. Now a tip: Growing roses? Plant garlic near them.
28. Add coffee grounds in the soil for growing roses, you can also opt for used tea grounds, tea bags or leaves.
29. Want to grow bigger roses? Disbudding of roses is done to produce bigger and better-colored blooms. It is achieved by placing the undesirable bud between the index finger and thumb and pinching it off.
thank y so much
On “foliage plants to put with roses,” the hosta requires low light–that is, shade. As roses require a lot of sun this would NOT be a good companion plant. Also wisteria have a tendency to cover everything they can, so put them a good distance away from your lovely roses.
How do u stop the potatoes from sprouting and growing more potatoes when used for rose cuttings
To stop the potatoes from sprouting ,you remove the eyes of the potatoes.
Very informatif. Thanks for sharing
Nice and thanks for sharing.
best information about roses
My rose stems have some brown “dead” spots on them but before and after that spot it’s green. What do I do??
I regret it is very informative but nothing about replacing a rose with another in the same ground
Best information ever abt roses,thank you for sharing :)
thank you . I cant wait to try some of your tips for obtaining new rose bushes.
thank you for the information, very hepful
Very well put together. I am a Master Rosarian with the American Rose Society – RMD and love what you put together here. Thank you.
I love roses, I am a beginner in this issue. 3 Months ago I bought 4 plants from a convenient store, as weather was cold keep them inside for almost 3 weeks they looked healthy and growing up then plant them in the yard. After the 2nd day they start to shrivel up, the leaves are falling. Does any one have any idea whats happening, or whats wrong?.
Awesome just what i’d needed for my rose garden…..thank you very much!
Very informative. Awesome tips love it
I really much appreciate the information provided on this page so that we Rose lovers and carer could make our houses and surrounding more beautiful and inviting.
Thank you. I’ll try these suggestions out.
We love the mulit-color pastels and the soft petals that match the softness of the tone. It makes us happy to look at and that is the point. Unless you are planting an apothecary garden (in which case you don’t want hybrids) roses are an ornamental flower, they should make you happy.