Use Sugar Water to Get More Christmas Cactus Blooms Faster

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Is your plant not giving you flowers at the right time? Here’s How Sugar Water Brings Christmas Cactus Blooms Faster!How Sugar Water Brings Christmas Cactus Blooms Faster

One of the main reasons for growing a Christmas cactus is the fact that it produces beautiful flowers around the holiday season. Though the blooming time may vary, it typically lies between late November to late January.

If you have been trying hard for your plant to bloom to no avail even after following all the tips, sugar water can bring Christmas cactus blooms faster. Let us see how!

How Sugar Water Makes Christmas Cactus Blooms Faster


It all begins with photosynthesis. Plants use this process to make carbohydrates, which are the much-needed energy source for growing roots, leaves, and blooms!

Since carbohydrates are primarily sugars and starches (with a bit of fiber), sugar water can be a supplementary energy source, providing your plant with sucrose and glucose for absorption.

If you have noticed your Christmas cactus wilting, under stress, or undergoing transplant shock (which can lead to delays in blooming), sugar water can solve the problem.

It can also aid in better nutrient availability for your plant by boosting microbial activity in the soil.

When you’re waiting for the bud formation on your Christmas cactus, the sugar water solution can help by boosting supplemental energy reserves.

Using Sugar Water on Christmas Cactus

How Sugar Water Makes Christmas Cactus Blooms Faster

It’s really easy to make and use. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of white or brown sugar in a cup of water, stirring until fully dissolved.

Pro Tip: Granulated white sugar is generally recommended. For organic gardening, consider using organic cane sugar or molasses in moderation.

You can use this sugar water solution to water your Christmas cactus once every 4-6 weeks. Do it only during the period leading up to bloom, which is early fall (around September), not year-round.

Note: Do not use this solution more than the recommended dosage. Plants make their own sugar, and an excess of it in the soil will attract pests and disrupt the soil microbiome, potentially harming the plant’s roots.

Things To Remember

  • When using sugar water for Christmas cactus, less is always more! Do not increase the quantity of sugar in the solution, and stick to the recommended ratio.
  • Use sugar water solution only occasionally for your Christmas Cactus, considering its needs. Using too much can lead to fungal diseases and attract pests like ants.
  • Avoid using it if you see your Schlumbergera is suffering from pests and disease problems.
  • Remember, sugar water is not a miracle cure and is more of a supplement that will help your Christmas cactus bloom early.

If you still want to make it bloom early, here are tricks you can use. There’s also the option of tricking it like this!

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